My TEAC 15 console has stopped powering on suddenly. I've kept it powered on continuously, except for about a day where I shut it off to swap a noisy input module with one that'll be used less often. But I've been unable to get the board to power back up. The needles on the meters will jump for a split second when I turn the PSU back on, but the lamps/LEDs don't turn on anywhere, and it doesn't pass signal. I've checked connections and all, everything seems normal, but no luck.
My guess is that it's a fuse or something in the PSU, Occam's Razor. But I'm incompetent in DIY electronics (so a naturally good fit for console ownership).
This does seem like a PSU issue, right?
I have a tech I can bring the PSU to just on principle, but I'd love to hear other guesses/input in the meantime.
Re: Small questions that don't fit anywhere
71active things: Belonging, These Estates, Spruce Island