Atomizer vs. Songs About Fucking

Total votes: 28 (53%)
Songs About Fucking
Total votes: 25 (47%)
Total votes: 53

Re: Atomizer vs. Songs About Fucking

Fucking - it has this fractured attitude that I love. It’s like they had this idea, spent years refining it, waited until it had crystallised, then shot it so that it exploded, but pressed record just as it was expanding outwards. You can still see the form, but its topography is hurtling away from itself
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

Re: Atomizer vs. Songs About Fucking

Krev wrote: Sat Jul 03, 2021 2:11 pm I'm going SAF because I love "Tiny, King of the Jews". It has that same cold atmosphere that I love about A Gilded Eternity by Loop.
That song is one of the most cathartic songs ever and it comes out of now where in contrast to the preceding tracks.
"There's a felling I get when I look to the west"
"When the meaningful words. When they cease to function. When there's nothing to say."

Re: Atomizer vs. Songs About Fucking

SAF easily, it's a throughly relentless experience and the atmosphere of pure loathing and aggression carries the weaker material across the line. 'Fish Fry' and 'L Dopa' are particularly deranged.

The strong material on Atomizer is as good as anything they did, but it's more inconsistent, quality-wise, and sonically it's still a bit (just a tiny bit) in thrall to their English influences. Where as SAF is a much more fully realised, truly americanised beast.

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