by The Classical
Atomizer is my knee-jerk reaction; I think the songs are bit stronger and it holds together better as an album for me. I think “Bad Houses” might be the secret key here, in it’s way as bleak & tormented as anything else but the “quiet”, introspective aspect gives the whole record a deeper, creepier vibe. Plus “Cables”. That opening, shrill, “sparking” (that’s the only thing I can think to call it) sound on “Passing Complexion” is, well it is really unlike anything else. And “Kerosene”. And…
The overall sound of Atomizer I don’t know that it has really been remarked on and I don’t even know that I can really quantify what it is exactly I find so appealing and again probably because it really doesn’t sound like anything else. The way the guitars have moved into a kind of pure sound divorced from notes or gear or noise, like they have become alive. The bass & drum-machine both anchoring and pummeling along with the electric howling voices (human & otherwise). I dunno…something about how everything sits together in the mix, it is just perfect.
None of this is really meant as a patch on Songs, which is another perfect album, but for the reasons above Atomizer is the one that pops into my head when I think “Big Black”.