Build an OK hi-fi from scratch

Bottom line up front you have $1000-1500 to build an OK hi-fi

I have "a hi-fi" by which I mean some dorm-grade stereo components that sit unplugged bc they suck to listen to.
I'd like to start gathering some real stuff. But I've never learned, even through osmosis, that much about home audio tech, and definitely nothing of the makes/models out there—like what's reputable vs. what is coasting on reputation under its current Behringer ownership.

I'm looking for a mid-tier setup. Good performance but nothing necessarily special. Like a Japanese Fender or a MOTU interface or a Honda Fit. For my needs this would include:
  • speakers (floor-standing for me)
  • an amp/receiver (I'm fine with integrated amps, but they're all I've ever known so)
  • phonograph
  • CD player
  • [CW: cassette deck] a cassette deck
I'd like this to serve as a general thread. But I have one criterion for my own setup, even if others might not care about this: I need to be able to easily fine-tune the playback speed of my records/cassettes. Most anything I own on vinyl/tape is also something I've heard digitally, through streaming or file-sharing, and I've learned I'm sensitive to deviations in the "baseline" pitch of the recording. I don't mean I can hear if it's 1cent off concert pitch, but I can absolutely tell if it's a quarter-tone off and it drives me up the damn wall. I loved that my Tascam 112 had a real, external pitch control, and I hate that there's no real, external pitch control on the NAD deck I had to replace it with. Yes I'm sure I could crack its ribcage open and tighten a belt or something, but all else being equal I'd just like a dedicated knob (although if all else is not equal I'm open to compromise).

active things: Belonging, These Estates, Spruce Island

Re: Build an OK hi-fi from scratch

I love my Harman Kardon 730. I got it used on ebay for $350, it really punches above its weight class as far as solid state integrated amps go. I was SOLD on getting a Marantz 2230, but did a side by side test and truly like the H&K better.

I am a big fan of Klipsch speakers of the 80s/90s. I got my Forte IIs at Saturday Audio Exchange in Chicago used for $500 10 years ago, I am not sure they can be found for that price anymore, but they are a great rock/jazz speaker (IMO). I think other Klipsch of the era can found a lil cheaper, but still good. Maybe some Infinity Kappa speakers? I remember hearing them and like them a lot. A used pair of Thiel CS 1.2 are probably around $300ish? They sound great for the money. Read about them here:

Turntable: I know you can get a nice Rega or something but a used Project Debut Carbon is pretty great entry "good" turntable. I have seen them go for $200-250 used on Ebay. You can always upgrade them too with a new cartridge. It really is a Honda Fit of turntables. You can always just keep your eyes peeled from a major brand of the 70s in good condition.

CD Player: Shit, I think any single tray player from the 90s will be OK, but if CDs are more your thing put your money here instead of the turntable? That Marantz 5005 looks pretty nice.

Tape Deck: something that feels heavy from the 70s or 80s.
guitar in -

Re: Build an OK hi-fi from scratch

There are lots of good less expensive and/or used amps and speakers out there. Tons.

There are also an amazing variety of decent mid grade turntable/tonearm combos available. Cartridges also seem plentiful and good.

CD players are a problem. Very few companies make CD players anymore, and the mid-fi mass market ones suck hard. Sure you can go buy a DC/DVD/Blueray player at Best buy for $149 but it will sound like absolute dogshit. Good sounding one box solutions exist but they are either expensive or used and expensive. The best move may be to find a cheap disc spinner and then hang a good DAC off of it. But then you have two boxes. I am struggling with this now. All the halfway decent sounding one box CD players are over $1000.

Re: Build an OK hi-fi from scratch

jason from volo wrote: Thu Jul 15, 2021 8:38 am
Mason wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 11:22 am I need to be able to easily fine-tune the playback speed of my records/cassettes.
The Audio-Technica AT-LP-120-USB turntable I have would otherwise be perfect for this as it has pitch/speed control up to +/- 20%, if it wasn't for its other problems. My understanding is that turntable is effectively a copy of the Technics SL-1200 turntable. If you can find one of those on eBay or otherwise, I think that would be perfect for you (a quick check online seems to indicate that they will fetch anywhere from $300 to upwards of $1000 on eBay).
I do not disagree with the Technics SL-1200 for this purpose in any way. Built like a tank, reliable as a brick, decent tonearm. There are obviously better sounding tables, but not for the money. Throw a decent MM cartridge on there and you will not need a better analog source until your downstream components are significantly upgraded.

Re: Build an OK hi-fi from scratch

motorbike guy wrote: Thu Jul 15, 2021 7:32 am There are lots of good less expensive and/or used amps and speakers out there. Tons.

There are also an amazing variety of decent mid grade turntable/tonearm combos available. Cartridges also seem plentiful and good.

CD players are a problem. Very few companies make CD players anymore, and the mid-fi mass market ones suck hard. Sure you can go buy a DC/DVD/Blueray player at Best buy for $149 but it will sound like absolute dogshit. Good sounding one box solutions exist but they are either expensive or used and expensive. The best move may be to find a cheap disc spinner and then hang a good DAC off of it. But then you have two boxes. I am struggling with this now. All the halfway decent sounding one box CD players are over $1000.
There were a couple of Sony DVD players that got a lot of chatter regarding sound quality in the late aughts/early teens, IIRC. Those can be quite cheap. Not as functional as a CD player, but if it sounds good...
Records + CDs for sale
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Re: Build an OK hi-fi from scratch

enframed wrote: Thu Jul 15, 2021 10:14 am
motorbike guy wrote: Thu Jul 15, 2021 7:32 am There are lots of good less expensive and/or used amps and speakers out there. Tons.

There are also an amazing variety of decent mid grade turntable/tonearm combos available. Cartridges also seem plentiful and good.

CD players are a problem. Very few companies make CD players anymore, and the mid-fi mass market ones suck hard. Sure you can go buy a DC/DVD/Blueray player at Best buy for $149 but it will sound like absolute dogshit. Good sounding one box solutions exist but they are either expensive or used and expensive. The best move may be to find a cheap disc spinner and then hang a good DAC off of it. But then you have two boxes. I am struggling with this now. All the halfway decent sounding one box CD players are over $1000.
There were a couple of Sony DVD players that got a lot of chatter regarding sound quality in the late aughts/early teens, IIRC. Those can be quite cheap. Not as functional as a CD player, but if it sounds good...
I have a cheap sony DVD/CD player and it sounds like absolute dog shit. Like worse that the Kyocera one I had 25 years ago. maybe its not one of the good ones. right now I am leaning towards a rotel or rega cd player, later upgradable by adding a good DAC. Really great DACs are getting cheaper every year. Todays $200 DACs sound better than $5k DACs from 10 years ago. Todays $1000 DACs are as good or better than state of the art 10 years ago.

i forgot to mention - a slightly more down to earth version of Audiogon is There is more weirdo old stuff there, and you sort of need to know what you are looking for, or you can get lost in the jungle. Prices seem better than Audiogon in some instances. I have bought a couple of things there and it has been fine, but there are scammers out there.

If something seems to good to be true, be very sceptical and do not trust.

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