Re: Airing of grievances (catch-all)

Dog People. The ones who never walk their dogs, leave it to shit on their back patio and have no concerns over it barking all day/night when they leave the house.

Also, neighboring dog people who when approached to ask about how they handle their pets barking due to separation anxiety accuse you of publicly shaming previously mentioned dog owners.

Ya'll fucking suck.

Re: Airing of grievances (catch-all)

There used to be a time where you could plan an ad-hoc backpacking trip ANYWHERE in the Cascades, including the Central Oregon Cascades.

Thank you trail shitting-up, bonfire-building, loose-dog-running, campsite-littering fucking rednecks and yuppie/hipster dipshits for fucking that up good.

Now you need to plan your entire fucking year well in advance. Despite 80% of the state being open to clearcutting, the ravaging summer wildfires and 100+ year mismanagement of the forests as nothing but fucking tree farms, and on a larger level the feds and populace refusing to take any meaningful steps to address their carbon output, the USFS decides to pick on hiker/backpackers by reservation-only limited permitting of the entire Willamette and Deschutes NFs.


Re: Airing of grievances (catch-all)

Geiginni wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:47 pm There used to be a time where you could plan an ad-hoc backpacking trip ANYWHERE in the Cascades, including the Central Oregon Cascades.

Thank you trail shitting-up, bonfire-building, loose-dog-running, campsite-littering fucking rednecks and yuppie/hipster dipshits for fucking that up good.

Now you need to plan your entire fucking year well in advance. Despite 80% of the state being open to clearcutting, the ravaging summer wildfires and 100+ year mismanagement of the forests as nothing but fucking tree farms, and on a larger level the feds and populace refusing to take any meaningful steps to address their carbon output, the USFS decides to pick on hiker/backpackers by reservation-only limited permitting of the entire Willamette and Deschutes NFs.

I'll have to read this post to my girlfriend. She was born in Eugene, and she and her half-sister always lament that they will probably never be able to afford to live in their home state ever again.

Re: Airing of grievances (catch-all)

AdamN wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:54 pm
Geiginni wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:47 pm There used to be a time where you could plan an ad-hoc backpacking trip ANYWHERE in the Cascades, including the Central Oregon Cascades.

Thank you trail shitting-up, bonfire-building, loose-dog-running, campsite-littering fucking rednecks and yuppie/hipster dipshits for fucking that up good.

Now you need to plan your entire fucking year well in advance. Despite 80% of the state being open to clearcutting, the ravaging summer wildfires and 100+ year mismanagement of the forests as nothing but fucking tree farms, and on a larger level the feds and populace refusing to take any meaningful steps to address their carbon output, the USFS decides to pick on hiker/backpackers by reservation-only limited permitting of the entire Willamette and Deschutes NFs.

I'll have to read this post to my girlfriend. She was born in Eugene, and she and her half-sister always lament that they will probably never be able to afford to live in their home state ever again.
The USFS treats about a millions acres of alpine pristineness with kid gloves all the while treating tens of millions of acres of forest as nothing but a glorified tree farm that gets regularly clearcut and at the same time ends up COSTING the taxpayers more to develop than the value of the leases awarded. This is the same "glorified tree farm" approach for the last 100+ years that has resulted in fire suppression policy that is now coming back to bite us in the ass in the form of giant wildfires.

Fuck the USFS. There's a reason these assholes are still part of the USDA. It's time to put our public lands under a trusteeship managed by a coalition of conservation NGOs instead of careless administrations and legislators who are nothing but whores for the resources extractives industries.
Last edited by Geiginni on Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Airing of grievances (catch-all)

AdamN wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:05 pm You're preaching to the choir. I just finished reading the 30 year update to Limits to Growth. The way humans treat forested lands globally is abhorrent. I was already a black-pilled doomer before lol.
Agreed. Yet, when I raise these issues with my representatives, as sympathetic as they are, nobody has the balls to mess with the timber industry. Everyone worries about "lost jobs". Really? We've sold out the auto-industry, textiles and garments, etc... but god forbid anyone dare to put a few thousand tree-cutting yokels out of work?!!

Re: Airing of grievances (catch-all)

ErickC wrote: Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:04 am "Entry-level" jobs that require more experience than you're going to get from college and internships. Sorry, if you want to hire new college grads, you need to accept that their internships are going to net them about two semesters of experience. If you're asking for two years, you're going to be disappointed.
Yeah, now is not the time to be picky about staff, it seems. You gonna show up? Great, your hired, $20/hr.
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