re: what are you listening to right now?

this feels like inviting a racist narrator to be dungeon master and control dubgerins and dragons and ruin errthang no worries human i know it's monkey see monkey do and i promise i used to be so scared that white people were being without souls that each one was some kind a sociopath that could only mock having a soul but then i grew up with kids at school who have special needs and then my baby sister and then my husband and it's a spectrum people are so far removed from eachother that they don't know white is like slow mo that's all.. slow motion for me so we can all speak the same music we play our son's and I've been saxophones too loud crushing with big bands or alone in Chicago or sexy or whatever but.. gen z please don't make us have to be world war 2 generation with your mash up stupidity sorry guys the selfish have kids all the spoiling and tickle me elmoes did not create better than mother nature herself you can't farm talent case closed

went by Bernie mac's and my old home yesterday by chance but home can find you lol Thomas Wolfe didn't know shit from his own dick hues it's like no playa all can go home it's called building a home and being of it not the white regurgitation if man believes he's evolving screw all else listen to nature get politically involved with your calm bob Marley world peace version of yourself we all have that hope in our hearts and if one asshole Hitler can be so wrong so incredibly and ruin all life there not a way mother nature cannot get back like naw bish lil art fail human you don't know me like that

so people being belated confused I'm sorry their brains didn't get to experience beauty friendship life culture and colors these folks must've been colorblind to be so .. confused and wrong .. feel love and real music not mileys squeal act it's called makeup remover wipes works on pigs too get that lipstick off and stop selling corporate sex forcing cravings on folks like it's McDonald's ruining nature hey a grown man has sex feelings so they want to pu puh puh put up a parking lot and Jedi mind fool you to the darth side.. this is your life fight clubs

re: what are you listening to right now?

memetics came out the idea that an idea or personality can be Betty booped off of ya and reap a whole style or whatevs and be new girl part janeway part that girl .. purity reigns so let's not let sin ruin .. im capable of sinful naughty behavior um but we all are connecting and learning with so much to understand and with these monster reveals haha nice try you humans are so cute first the victorians assuming evil is not within man they see pedophilia in aristocrats and say vampire or see beautiful black dahlia hopeful women in this world horribly harmed and say werewolf he was like a man but a monster could only mutilate and slowly evil has been realized not your racist excuses but withing all of us as human with each feeling and calability my fear was that some horrible idiot could hurt my family and I'd be rotting in jail for making that cool realize in all the ways but then i remembered what Jesus would do and saw how my muslim girlfriend coworker summer had the same love in her heart and religion and we're like haha jeepers so much but earth is our mother and time is our father and we ain't gon let some rich bishes pollute and move on to a new planet how outsourcing and make to move onto a new heavenly body guess what that star wars dude georgie boy never told ya when the real godfather was playing out that you can't have a death star and assume you can do that haha fool as ass all those souls and ben wans little curtsy like heidi saying hei do you do sir gracious no way that molafuc jamoke felt that instant and worm grew a heart two sizes too big it's called you don't kill a mockingbird you don't pretend to rewrite the heavenly bodies for gods loving forgiveness and attention ya human shmoe who even comes up with such awfulness how about where is our failsafe that the Holocaust could never happen and i swear to God there is no mind bang like this idiots who say the Holocaust jeepers I can barely comprehend there's humans who obvi feel so affected that they have to believe int heir hearts this couldnt have happened because to deny is to be computer illogical in the most racist I sensitive ways haven't we puffed that feather enough how about our cooperation prowess our emotional quotients and don't be the pussy thats so scared they don't let world peace happen because they hold out we all have to give ourselves and believe and make it work for each child toddler teen grown ass man and all who need us we all need eachother let's pretend were snuggling naked to keep warm because that truly is humanity me too :P

jeepers a good song lol how a our my grandma's favorite drinking her pink squirrel fixing papa jim dinner as he sat his mathematics angle able to see his true crime shows and his true lovea dancing and cooking him dinner in the kitchen lol she was always bouncin and he was always smiling so big ;)

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