What say you?

Total votes: 4 (21%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 15 (79%)
Total votes: 19

Re: Microphone: Shure 57/58

I have a 57 that's seen many of its days being kicked around loose in the bottom of a backpack or inside guitar cases without its own case and has moved between three different states since 2011. Set up and torn down hundreds of times during band practices and various shows. I've knocked it over who knows how many times, I've left it in my car overnight during sub-zero temperatures a bunch of times, and still, the fucking thing will probably never quit. I eventually got two more that I do keep in cases now that I'm less of a nitwit about how I treat my equipment, but my original first one is one of my ol' reliables and holds a ton of sentimental value to me.

My 58 treated me just fine for vocals through the PA, and I liked using it for capturing trebly guitar stuff and drums when there were no better mics laying around. I left mine behind on accident at a shared rehearsal space and never went back to retrieve it. I wouldn't record vocals with one, but they get the job done for a range of purposes, and it too, felt built to last.

So um, not crap for either??

Re: Microphone: Shure 57/58

Always serviceable mics if that’s all anyone has on hand.

I specify a ton of Shure wireless systems every year, as well as conferencing mics and the new beam forming mics.

I’ve never spec’d any SM57/58 on a project. They’re easily purchased by faculty or staff if that’s something they really want in their gear locker.

I tend to spec the SM87 capsules. They have much better sensitivity and can be effective at further distances from the talkers mouth and still provide good gain-before-feedback.

Most of the instrumental mics I spec are meant for far/free field pickup, so if I’m using Shure, I’ll put in a matched pair of KSM-141s. Audix work well too for these applications too.

Re: Microphone: Shure 57/58

I've used the same old beaten to shit 57 as a vocal mic for 10 years. never been in a case, rolls around in the bottom of the milk crate I lug my leads and shit around in. dropped it, spilt beer on it, got rained on, still works perfectly.

Bulletproof. spray with disenfectant, do gig, throw back in box.

She is the Keef of the microphone world. unkillable, will do it's thing until the apocalypse and then probably afterwards, don't expect it do do something it can't, and it'll be good.
Trey Wrote: "How great must a thread be to miss such a thing? Beans on the penis great, I suppose"

Re: Microphone: Shure 57/58

To me it's kind of like a Peavey amp, relatively good value, it will almost always work and can sound pretty good.

If you get a chance, it's worth trying with an upgraded transformer (can buy the mic with it installed or can just buy the transformer also and upgrade yourself.)
FKA - the finger genius
Wowza in Kalamazoo wrote: ...the noise of divorce...

Re: Microphone: Shure 57/58

Boring, reliable. It's kinda the 1994 Chevy Cavalier of microphones. I don't really prefer them on anything, but I still own 6-8 of them. There a a thousand other Microphones, around the same price range that are as good or better, but especially when doing live sound with a lot of quick changeover and no real sound checks, there is something about their predictable sound and performance that is one less thing to worry about.

NC. Does what it says on the tin.
Was Japmn.

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