Re: Recommend me some metal

Hellhammer sounds mean as shit. Get the demo compilation Demon Entrails. That fucking singer man. Some of the earliest stuff even reminds me of Chrome.

Another favorite from that period is the first Venom album, Welcome to Hell. Absolutely insane.

If you're into atmospheric black, you've got to hear Nasheim's Evighet & Undergång. Listening to this music is to me like floating disembodied over a vast, snow-covered canyon, its walls strewn with conifers, stretching on into the distance.

And if you haven't heard Slayer's Show No Mercy, go listen to it. It is so good.
born to give

Re: Recommend me some metal

I've been listening to the fourth Pestilence album, Spheres (1993), from when they supposedly went full-tech. They sort of did, but fortunately the result is more atypical than that, almost like a mutant variation on heavy rock instead of death metal by jazz fusion fans. I took very quickly to Cynic and mid-period Death at the time, but pretty much ignored this record:

Listening to this (pristine) live recording of them playing "Mind Reflections" back in the day, then hearing the applause at the end is a good reminder of how much this type of music has exponentially grown in popularity with the years, no one gave a shit then. They sound like a million bucks, and are playing to pretty much the audience I'd have at an improv set.

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