Re: Is anyone here NOT vaccinated yet?

M.H wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 5:48 am Masks solve nothing. Unless you're wearing medical-grade material for short periods of time (and who is in the general public is doing that) then mask wearing (especially the reusable cloth masks most of us use) is irrational tokenism at best. Like using a tennis net to catch mosquitos...
Dave N. wrote:Most of us are here because we’re trying to keep some spark of an idea from going out.

Re: Is anyone here NOT vaccinated yet?

Geiginni wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:43 pm
kicker_of_elves wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:37 pm
jason from volo wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:30 pm
3) Many Americans really don't give much of a shit about anyone else but themselves
Case closed.
This x1000.

For capitalism to really thrive in its most perverse and cancerous form, everyone down to the schlubbiest working class schlub needs to believe they're only looking out for numero uno.
This probably belongs in a *different thread, but this^^^makes me wonder how on earth the Ds have come off message with the working class so drastically. It used to be a given that if you were a union worker, you voted D. Ds protected labor. Ds protected collective bargaining agreements. It's like the working class reaped the benefits of a party that stood for workers rights, and then dumped them when the Rs convinced them that the lower classes, minorities, and vulnerable were the ones responsible for their suffering; nevermind that it's the Rs who are all for worsening working conditions, deregulating worker safety departments, yada yada. It's like they sucked the You out Ugh. Sorry for that one.

Re: Is anyone here NOT vaccinated yet?

jason from volo wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:11 pm Back to the vaccine topic: seems some of you in other countries are already looking at getting boosters. I'm guessing we're all likely to see this happen in our own countries, possibly for years to come?
Probably end up like it is with flu now, taking a shot once a year, depending on the development of new strains.
Dave N. wrote:Most of us are here because we’re trying to keep some spark of an idea from going out.

Re: Is anyone here NOT vaccinated yet?

Curry Pervert wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:59 pm
jason from volo wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:11 pm Back to the vaccine topic: seems some of you in other countries are already looking at getting boosters. I'm guessing we're all likely to see this happen in our own countries, possibly for years to come?
Probably end up like it is with flu now, taking a shot once a year, depending on the development of new strains.
Hopefully they'll find a way to combine them. :P
Total_douche, MSW, LICSW (lulz)

Re: Is anyone here NOT vaccinated yet?

bishopdante wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 10:41 pm Well... considering I've had this thing a few times... the asshole CEO turned up to the strike of a big show *with* it, as in sick as a dog, clinically infected... he'd caught it at the wrap party...

And I just got a sniffle the next day, and off it went. Compared to the first time I had the thing... it was as nothing.

So yea... I don't think that Pfizer gene therapy thing would do me much good. My immune system would very likely flip out on it.

We probably shouldn't be vaccinating people who've had it with an experimental gene therapy drug that modifies a person's cells to produce something the immune system will attack. Surely?
It's not gene therapy. The use of that term is almost a dead give away for someone who's been reading junk science or listening to too many people who read it heavily.

But yeah, you're probably pretty much immune.

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