Geiginni wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:43 pm
kicker_of_elves wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:37 pm
jason from volo wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:30 pm
3) Many Americans really don't give much of a shit about anyone else but themselves
Case closed.
This x1000.
For capitalism to really thrive in its most perverse and cancerous form, everyone down to the schlubbiest working class schlub needs to believe they're only looking out for numero uno.
This probably belongs in a *different thread, but this^^^makes me wonder how on earth the Ds have come off message with the working class so drastically. It used to be a given that if you were a union worker, you voted D. Ds protected labor. Ds protected collective bargaining agreements. It's like the working class reaped the benefits of a party that stood for workers rights, and then dumped them when the Rs convinced them that the lower classes, minorities, and vulnerable were the ones responsible for their suffering; nevermind that it's the Rs who are all for worsening working conditions, deregulating worker safety departments, yada yada. It's like they sucked the You out Ugh. Sorry for that one.