Part Chimp

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Total votes: 14 (100%)
Total votes: 14

Band: Part Chimp

just found out they got a new one out. No one seems to care about this band yet I am positively evangelical about these pommy buggers. And there's really only a handful of bands that get me excited with "new releases" these days

my take

Chart Pimp 8/10. the swamp matter starting to congeal...
I Am Come 10/10 ... and is now fully formed.
Thriller 9/10. munt
IV 10/10. when munt meets munt.

the new one seems a tiny bit more "accessible" than past outings but still, will splurge on the LP versionne.

Re: Band: Part Chimp

I lightly recommend checking out the Wrong Speed label, I've been helping with it and we've put out some killer stuff since we started a year ago (obviously I'm biased though). A couple of releases have been licensed to Learning Curve in the USA as well to soften that potential postage blow. We've done new Chimp, Hey Colossus, The Rebel (Ben Wallers of Country Teasers), Bass Clef, Reigns, Wolves Of Greece and loads more and we have 6 more at the pressing plant at the time of writing. Give some of the back catalogue a spin.

Re: Band: Part Chimp

This band came on the other night while I was driving and I thought they were really good, so I made a point to remember who they were. Of course that means I forgot until I saw this thread so now I know what I’ll listen to while I drive tonight. Thanks!

Re: Band: Part Chimp

I saw them at the (all indoor) Raw Power festival a few years back and thought they were very good, but for some reason I've yet to check out any of their albums - I suspect because there's an insane amount of desirable stuff being released at the moment.
I hate music, it's got too many notes.

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