by M.H
Can't say I'm an actual fan at all, I find Fripp's approach tiresome. The first era is an exercise in forced, obtuse awkwardness, way more arrogant than Genesis, who I also dislike. The po-faced, joyless vibe is a real drag - I rarely am in a prog mood, but I'll reach for ELP or Yes (who I think rode that line way more successfully on Close the Edge) every time.
That said, it's very difficult to argue with Larks, Starless and Red. Especially Red.
I also think the Belew era is underrated - granted, it's a bit less idiosyncratic sonically, but the playing is phonominal. I also dig the 90s stuff quite a bit, though the Fripp / Sylvian records (originally Fripp wanted these released under the King Crimson banner until Sylvian refused) are where it's at.