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Not Crap
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Re: Band: Polvo

penningtron wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:34 pm Probably most true of Exploded Drawing. I wouldn't necessarily say Today's Active Lifestyles sounds great, and Shapes sounds a little 4 track-y much of the time too. I recently had a IRL conversation of whether Polvo qualifies as a 'lofi band' or not..
I Agree that Todays active lifestyles isn't eh best sounding, but I think it's my favorite Polvo record. I think Celebrate the new dark age sounds the best to me. I definitely think they as a band had an affinity for sounding like it was all recorded over a land line. Libraness is a celebration of that. There is sort of a HIFI cassette sound to a lot of the records of that mid 90's era. There were a lot of Otari 8 track studios and Fostex 16 track 1" machines, and eventually ADATS going on. Mackie 8 buss mixers for everyone.
Was Japmn.

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Re: Band: Polvo

Every blue moon, I pull out that first double seven-inch, Cor Crane Secret, and Today's Active Lifestyles. All very enjoyable w/just enough Eastern guitar spice and jerky rhythms to keep them from being too derivative of stuff like Sonic Youth, Hüsker Dü, and even early R.E.M. The second LP in particular started to shake off those influences, and Celebrate the New Dark Age is nearly as good as the aforementioned records. Polvo's earliest stuff also brings to mind a bunch of other collegiate North Carolina guitar bands I was fond of around that time and a little earlier (Wwax, Angels of Epistemology, early Seam, not to mention Coral and the somewhat musically incongruous Breadwinner from up in Richmond, VA).

I rarely listen to Touch and Go-era Polvo (too inconsistent) or the albums from after the band reunited (a little slick and normalized, even though the live shows and the drumming were great), although each have a few worthy songs. I prefer my Polvo w/the vocals and lyrics well out of the foreground, and there's more of a stoned (but not stoner) indie rockish quality to some of that later material, which doesn't appeal to me as much.

Still, not crap.

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