Re: Is anyone here NOT vaccinated yet?

After rereading this thread several times, it feels like Capsule of futility emblematic of the entire Covid vaccine debate. Either politely, curtly, empirically or anecdotally, people just seem to be doubling down on where they stand. People are going to believe what people believe, and people are going to do what people do. I don’t see anyone coming out of this discussion with a changed mind. I am all for a healthy debate, and enjoy a good argument. I even enjoy some not so good arguments. But in this case, on this particular subject, I’m just left feeling utterly hopeless. I suppose I am pretty far from objective in this, but a person can only bang thher head against the wall so long until you'd rather just not deal with the headache.

Re: Is anyone here NOT vaccinated yet?

Yeah, this is where some parts of the country are at..
Mississippi's poison control center has seen an increase in calls of people taking ivermectin, including versions of the deworming drug intended for livestock, to treat or prevent COVID-19, according to state health officials.

The Mississippi Health Department took to social media Friday to issue a warning about the phenomenon, which has been reported throughout the pandemic.

Re: Is anyone here NOT vaccinated yet?

kicker_of_elves wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:40 am I don’t see anyone coming out of this discussion with a changed mind. I am all for a healthy debate, and enjoy a good argument. I even enjoy some not so good arguments. But in this case, on this particular subject, I’m just left feeling utterly hopeless.
The discussion of science heated by popular politics is a problem. There are many important reasons for the critical theory/social justice slogan, "The personal is political" but in a very different context this is problematic. Political thought is not the most rational domain in contemporary western culture and it seems to cast a shadow over everything.

Re: Is anyone here NOT vaccinated yet?

penningtron wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:49 am Yeah, this is where some parts of the country are at..
Mississippi's poison control center has seen an increase in calls of people taking ivermectin, including versions of the deworming drug intended for livestock, to treat or prevent COVID-19, according to state health officials.

The Mississippi Health Department took to social media Friday to issue a warning about the phenomenon, which has been reported throughout the pandemic.
That's true Trump 2024 country. Enjoy the cattle dewormer and Lysol cocktail.
We're headed for social anarchy when people start pissing on bookstores.

Re: Is anyone here NOT vaccinated yet?

joe_lmr wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:27 pm
enframed wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 6:09 pm ... index.html

Pfizer approval Monday.
And all the "I'm not taking it because it's not FDA approved" people will find other reasons.
True, but this will allow mandates, which should capture much of the “I don’t need the vaccine because I’m 32 and do cross-fit” crowd. And maybe even some of the “I totally, totally oppose this, but my company is making me” crowd.

Re: Is anyone here NOT vaccinated yet?

179 wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:56 pm Zero COVID is not the goal. No need to treat kids as vectors of disease in most areas. The psychological damage is a bigger concern.
Like others, calling bullshit on this whole 'psych damage from wearing a mask' trope. My kids are 6 1/2 and 8 and wear masks on the bus to and from school and in the classroom and they LIKE it that way. They know it sucks because they live it every day, but they see it as how they can actually be in class where they love to be, not in front of some damn screen. Screens are the psych damaging devise, not a bit of cloth.

I've been hyping my employer and how they are offering cash incentives to get the shot. I won't know until tomorrow, but it seemed at the end of the day Friday that we were actually going to get across the 75% threshold of our plant's population to get those of us vaxxed $3000. The pressure applied at the end to un vaxxed was intense, I'm told by those that endured it. The window closed on Saturday the 21st. My prediction is that on Monday the 23rd, all un-vaxxed salaried employees that can't show a medical reason for not getting the shot will be given to the end of September to start the vaccination process (with no bonus applied) or be told to find employment elsewhere...


Re: Is anyone here NOT vaccinated yet?

enframed wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:47 am
zorg wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 2:49 pm Consider, I live in a place where we have one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, at no point stressed the healthcare system, experienced low mortality, AND my kids and their teachers never wore masks at school.
Where is this low-covid utopia of intelligent people?
2500 total dead
70% of total population fully vaccinated

But that's more down to a small, wealthy country with a well educated, relatively homogenous population, luck, and a ridiculous amount of testing (statistically everybody has been tested 7 times ). And really my only point is that you can be both a responsible citizen, and approach the kids in masks thing pragmatically, rather than the usual Hatfields vs McCoys horseshit.
djimbe wrote: My kids are 6 1/2 and 8 and wear masks on the bus to and from school and in the classroom and they LIKE it that way. They know it sucks because they live it every day
losthighway wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:06 am It's not ideal, or great,
With this kind of defense of the practice I am not sure if I'll be swayed.

I'm in no way insinuating that you're damaging your kids, you're obviously playing the hand you are dealt, but it just sucks and I think kids deserve better, and in particular in this situation they have been good sports putting up with a world gone mad, considering their personal risk was exceedingly limited.

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