Meanwhile... I've long been interested in representing abstract, theoretical concepts or even historical information visually. I used to work in a map library for a department that taught geographical and informational systems. I found this site tonight and am very impressed with some of the prints. ( It reminds me of some of the old National Geographic fold out science posters we would cycle out on the department display board.
Sure it is throwback modernism, but damnit I like it. Some of the conceptual prints are rather sharp. Makes me want to act on my recent desires to make free educational media. I'd love to make a video series on Early Modern Philosophy and the Copernican Revolution basically using power point but pretty power point. But there's such a thing as academic posters. Usually those are for the sciences, but I'd love to do some philosophical and historical stuff like somehow convey the pre-war emigration movement of the Vienna Circle or a geographical presentation of the correspondences of 15th C thinkers.