Re: Returning to Live Music

DrAwkward wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:33 pmAre either band ready to play shows? Pfff. If we were asked to play something outside, maybe we'd consider it, but honestly, promoting a show is something I don't have much taste for right now. "Hey everyone! People are still getting sick and dying! Come see my band play!" I mean, there's always evil in the world, but right now amidst a global pandemic, trying to get people to give a shit about my band seems trite and selfish, if not sociopathic.
Thankyou - this is exactly how the bands I’m in are feeling. We were asked to play some shows as early as May before all of us had even been able to get vaccinated (let alone practice for well over a year). The amount of bands playing shows and promoting themselves leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. It’s just gross and the word “sociopathic” absolutely comes to mind.

A friend and I had breakthrough delta infections earlier this month and we are both incredibly diligent and careful; we never figured out just where the initial exposure was. The symptoms were so minimized thanks to the vaccine that it was really our paranoia that steered us toward getting tested for Covid. Imagine if we had been out playing shows while unknowingly infectious..I don’t know. It’s going to be a while until I’m comfortable.

Re: Returning to Live Music

Ugh, this topic.

My band was asked to do a few Sept. shows a while back when COVID was heading in the right direction. Reached a point a couple of weeks ago where we had to make the call ("guys, is this happening or not") and went ahead.

Now we're about a week and a half away and we're feeling ambivalent.

Yes there will be proof of vaccination required, yes people will be asked to mask, yes at least one of the shows is out doors. But, no, we are not public health experts and I'll concede there's a lot of uncertainty about ... a lot.

So we'll do a few shows and see how it goes.

= Justin

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