My name is Lu and I have been divorced for almost two years now.
I have left my daughter, and my ex wife in December 2019.
I still struggle with it sometimes. Sometimes I cry, thinking about that i can't kiss my beautiful daughter each night, wishing her good night.
I never regret leaving my wife. we had a really unproductive relationship, we rarely talked, we were so closed off during our marriage that we only started talking once it was really over.
It was a shitty ride for the last couple of years, Tinder dating and all. There are some things I wish never happened, there are some things I wish I could forget, but I guess it needed to happen to get me to the point I am at now.
For the last 3 or so months I feel like I have finally found my peace after everything that happened, with me being super emotional and all. I don't drink as much, I don't cry as much, I don't feel that regret as much as I used to. I feel myself smiling again for no reason, feeling happy again.
Anyway, this is Lu(na). She is the most beautiful human being I have had the privilege to interact with in my lifetime.
If anyone wants to talk about all this stuff, shoot your shot. This thing is hard as fuck. Don't ever be shy to talk about it.