Album: System of a Down's Toxicity

Total votes: 14 (52%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 13 (48%)
Total votes: 27

Re: Album: System of a Down's Toxicity

Prison Song is a hell of an opening track. I like the idea of carceral abolitionist bullet points being unwittingly inscribed in the heads of hundreds of thousands of millennial surbanites across the land, whether the majority of them really take in the message seems pretty doubtful though. To this day, I can't not think of Serj Tankien's vocal delivery when reading "mandatory minimum sentences" in text.

Re: Album: System of a Down's Toxicity

Funny, for some reason I was thinking of the song 'Shimmy' this morning.

Yeah, some of the lyrics are goofy, but I played this album a lot around the time it came out, and if I were to play it now I'd probably still enjoy it ('Forest' is on my jogging playlist). I'll always associate it with MTV2, which I started watching around that time b/c they were still playing videos. They got me into these guys, and Andrew W.K.
"Whatever happened to that album?"
"I broke it, remember? I threw it against the wall and it like, shattered."

Re: Album: System of a Down's Toxicity

SOAD is/was a band that should have worked on paper, but I could never get into it. Maybe because at the time the boys that I worked with in the adolescent behavioral health unit of the mental health clinic I was employed by were all avid SOAD listeners, and most of them were little knuckleheads. I was too busy listening to Hot Shots II. Not vehemently crap, but crap nonetheless.

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