Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

dontfeartheringo wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 9:39 am So, here's a thing: I've been a huge proponent of 3-ply Ludwigs for years. Anybody who knows me knows I won't shut up about it.

But lately, I've been playing some six plies at a rehearsal space, and I think I may have spent a lot of years misunderestimating them. 3-plies have a really low timbre, a lot of thump, and are the Sound of the '60s. The six ply drums are LOUD and kind of scooped, with a ton of projection in the low mids. It's made me rethink a lot of things.

And if you're the DFW area, you might want to check out this kit:

Cortex is the most bulletproof finish Ludwig ever put on a set of drums. These would be PERFECT noise rock drums. Loud, tough, durable.

I put my money where my mouth is, this weekend, and bought a set of six plies. It seems like Ben Adrian asked me a few months ago what my favorite drum finish was and I said "Ludwig's walnut thermogloss, but worn." Thermogloss is the thinnest finish Ludwig ever put on a set of drums- they heated lacquer and sprayed it on maple shells. I have a set of the maple thermogloss drums, thanks to FMWeezy. But later I discovered their walnut thermogloss, finish, which is just a darker stain over the same maple shells. When it wears away, the lighter colored wood shows through and lord have mercy, they look like an old piano in a speakeasy in Naperville or Gretna, LA.

The six ply drums may be the perfect noise rock drums, since they're LOUD, scooped, and have a serious punch in the low-mids.

I cleaned up this kit and should have heads on it soon. 22" kick instead of a 24", but you can't have everything. It's a more moderate Taliban, I guess.
tbone wrote: Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:58 pm I imagine at some point as a practicality we will all start assuming that this is probably the last thing we gotta mail to some asshole.
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Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

I shouldn't be considering this especially since it's likely I'm going to be moving again in a year and I'm currently not even playing bass in a band but...

an older V4B 2x15 cabinet came up on local marketplace for $300 and I've always been curious about them. Thoughts? Opinions? I had a roommate who said he had one years ago but he was in a metal band and said it was too "farty" but that could mean a lot of things/have a lot of causes.

Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

Garth wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:30 am I shouldn't be considering this especially since it's likely I'm going to be moving again in a year and I'm currently not even playing bass in a band but...

an older V4B 2x15 cabinet came up on local marketplace for $300 and I've always been curious about them. Thoughts? Opinions? I had a roommate who said he had one years ago but he was in a metal band and said it was too "farty" but that could mean a lot of things/have a lot of causes.
Maybe, if it has the Altecs. Do you have a van or truck of some kind?

Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

Garth wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:30 am I shouldn't be considering this especially since it's likely I'm going to be moving again in a year and I'm currently not even playing bass in a band but...

an older V4B 2x15 cabinet came up on local marketplace for $300 and I've always been curious about them. Thoughts? Opinions? I had a roommate who said he had one years ago but he was in a metal band and said it was too "farty" but that could mean a lot of things/have a lot of causes.
The 70s one or the 90s one? The 70s one has a switchable impedance and might have Altecs.

Is it the folded horn design? Those are super interesting because they are louder when you can really stand back from it.

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