Re: What are you listening to right now?


Missed out on this band initially, probably assuming it was AmRep meathead stuff, but I like this and 'Pink Confetti' quite a bit.
lotharsandwich wrote: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:04 am

This new Henry Threadgill Zooid seems really good on first listen.
Noted, thanks! I have a lot of time for HT.
Last edited by penningtron on Tue Sep 21, 2021 8:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

hat are you listening to right now?

not literally but yes exactly.. they don't like when i'm a nerd instead of a pixie but there it is.. im supreme and i have distaste when it's done wrong people decide to be like this is who i rish my parents were its not called i rich lil spoileds who i love its called i rish when Irish eyes are smiling the fun and excitement mixed with Italian romance leave u romances alone ya humans don't lose your one connection to th Trieste Trieste of humanity.. i cant help being im the real thang

doom patrol with their version of understanding a jane origin and my love cliff steele and my sister the old times hollywood film star and my husband the t dalt and american horror story actors adding beauty and talent and substance to their understanding of story lol

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