Re: Movies you have watched thread.

The Crying Game. Jaye Davidson is so beautiful I'm dying. And he's so great in this role. Shame he didn't stick around.

(Maybe-spoilers ahead.)

Shame also - for more reasons than one - how perception and discussion of the film came to revolve around the "twist". Looking at comments online almost every single one talks about either their shock at the "reveal", or brags about how they "could see it from the beginning". Apparently this angle was pushed hard by the studio in its marketing for the US release. The movie has alredy come in for some harsh criticism over its portrayal of trans people, but I imagine this impression is worsened even more by the fact that whenever the movie comes up as a subject, it's to reference the "shock moment", or the Ace Ventura meme.

One wonders if, hadn't it been for this marketing campaign, negative judgements on this movie would be left at "kind of crappy, but those were the times", rather than in the words of one reviewer, "It is nearly impossible to overstate the damage this film has done to trans women."

(Maybe-spoilers ended.)

On a more general level, making an entire film (or any kind of story) hinge on one or two big surprise moments is unfair to the whole thing. I care about these things less and less as the years go by (I knew all about this movie before watching it). And this tendency got us a whole bunch of shitty movie scripts in the 00s.

And, to get to the point, it's a shame because the movie stands on it's own. With all the conflicting impressions which a retrospective view affords me, I am very touched by this movie.

I also think the theme song so perfectly expresses a gentle, deep sadness that comes through everywhere in this film. Not just of heartbreak and not being able to love and be as you are, but of the hardships of life in general (especially those tied to the place and time period).
born to give

Re: Movies you have watched thread.

65 wrote: Sun Sep 26, 2021 4:15 am I don't recall it being transphobic.
Out of the different perspectives on this film I have taken part of, the general impression seems to be that for one, the way in which this plays out in the film (along with the way it was marketed), it directs itself to a certain audience who is assumed to hold certain attitudes and prejudices, and through this the scene strives for a certain effect - the audience is expected to share in the shock and disgust. The actual trans person then acts as a mere prop for horrified fascination or as the object of a joke. Furthermore, it is seen as perpetuating an idea of trans people as duplicitous, trying to trick straight men and so on.

There is however a counter to this, making the point that it is never suggested that Dil is deceiving Fergus - everybody knows about her except him, and she totally assumes that he knows too (they meet in a gay bar and so on).
born to give

re: movies you have watched thread.

67 wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 10:04 pm Janeway
The best media I think you meant and I agree. Did you watch boardwalk empire?
Not sure about the pregnancy thing but I do agree she’s next in line to take over the family. It’s Certainly not AJ.
i found this lol can you have a username with internet addressesses? nicknames are good and i didn't really see boardwalk empire but sopranos nobody was taking over the family it died out when Christopher was snuffed.. the godfather all vito wanted was Michael to get out of the life and be straight be in politics all american hero white wad hip to be square back then the great achievement and promise of America that suburban dream mad men poked at .. but meadow would not have taken over she had her own thang with medical law lol like agent skulls being good at both stuff science and copping lol fb eyeing lol

aj was amazing and exactly what guys of this generation like omg the stuff he goes through and he's not allowed the room to process mentally and his dad is proud when he's good at football but he obviously started getting the panic attacks at 14 when Tony's didn't start up until his mid 40s .. aj was so real and honest full emotional spectrum already becoming what his father was figuring out the panic attacks at the same time maybe tony needed to be more in tune with aj.. the parenting is old school lol but it's so real and exactly how it is meadow believing these guys are harmless because tony soprano is a big bad wolf to everyone but her because he could never hurt meadow of all people so she feels like these tough guys she's not naive but she always feels safe around them so she gets to princess around like telling off tont and running away at the same time lol he can only bark at her to scare her but that's his girl lol and aj needs understanding beyond basic one way street parenting.. back then it was still one mold everybody kept shoving you boys through like a keyhole of masculinity to define one version of who you're supposed to be and when you are expected to let go of these parts of yourself especially before you're ready it gets all jammed up like gum .. you kinda need your teddy bear until you don't need it anymore.. for me i got barney pajamas when i was finally too old to watch barney the dinosaur but my mom was so happy i loved the songs and im like i can love barney one more year and I did lol it's songs about brushing your teeth and little stuff so like who cares lol but I was already so mature that not only did I not need barney pajams but I could handle wearing then anyway a whole year to make my mom so happy and she really did get so much joy out of seeing me singing those songs so when it's that easy to make someone happy you can do that for your parents but if your brain simply needs them to be the parent and u destiny you can't force yourself through keyhole like aj.. meadow had her time to bum around in her bikini reading the great books dati g the wrong guys lol before she evened out aj was at the beginning of figuring out life and himself and by the end aj and his little girlfriend who's supposed to be a model but walks away from it are making out in the woods like Bella and Edward in twilight becoming the next bug americana phenomena

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