What is the verdict on Radiohead?

Total votes: 15 (18%)
Total votes: 45 (54%)
Total votes: 23 (28%)
Total votes: 83

Re: Band: Radiohead

thecr4ne wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:34 pmHonestly Radiohead just strikes me as boring and generic, and no matter how many times they reinvent a boring generic wheel, they're still that. As humans, they may be fine,

I'll continue to consider them incredibly over-rated and confuse them for Coldplay.
What he said.

Forgettable plip plop.

Re: Band: Radiohead

Yeah, yeah..."Radiohead is boring". What a yawn. After 15 years it's nice to see the level of discourse on this band hasn't evolved a bit. It's a fair criticism, if it's actually your criticism, but at this point it also just seems like a safe 'I'm in the club' PRF stance to take. Meanwhile I see Phil Collins being praised (as something other than a drummer) and a venture into General Discussion greets me with songs by Smash Mouth, Sugar Ray, Weezer, etc. being deemed "great". WTF. Is this just the reality of 2.0? I'm not a Radiohead superfan, but if that other shit is "great", then Radiohead is King Shit of Fuck Mountain by comparison.

There's plenty of rock and weird and abrasive in their catalog and Johnny can rip into a guitar like an MFer. But I can't help but get the feeling that it's not actually about their music, more of a bandwagon thing going on here. Very weird. God forbid someone moves in a way you don't like on stage. Gotta follow the rules! Do what we expect! Why can't you be more like that great band Weezer?! Nothing more rock and roll than narrowmindedness.
Radio show https://www.wmse.org/program/the-tom-wa ... xperience/
My band https://redstuff.bandcamp.com/
Solo project https://tomwanderer.bandcamp.com/

Re: Band: Radiohead

I hated Radiohead before it was cool to do so. Got me into a lot of grief when I was moderating the Lips forums. Gun to head I guess I like "The National Anthem"?
Justice for Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

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