Acoustic Guitar Recording Recommendations
1Looking for recommendations for recording acoustic guitar. Technical stuff, but mostly what inexpensive mics would you recommend?
Came here to suggest Oktavas. They are my go to mic, and for the money, I'm not sure you can do better. I have a pair of SM81's and they can be good too, if not a little zipper. Then can be over stabby if someone strums hard with a pick. I have a pro 37. It is ok too. It sounds a little pinched in the high mids to me, but I haven't really tried them much on guitars, I mostly use it under a snare drum or just lying on the floor somewhere. I've had fun with clipping a Sony ECM 44 on the sound hole (inside) or just taping it directly to the body to pick up a bunch of low end to compress the fuck out of and blend in under Oktavas. Doesn't always work, but it can be cool. It works good on Baritone Ukuleles.Garth wrote: Tue Oct 12, 2021 4:26 pm Okatava MK-012 w/ the cardioid caps. If I had to go out and buy a new pair, I'd probably get a pair of AT Pro 37s.
Good question. I'm looking to record acoustic as a layer in some songs, starting there. Eventually, I'd like to record it as a main instrument.
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