lol the sopranos they also had addams family values the remake i was like wut they made it 3d instead of that awesome joan cusak comedy noir performance lol hey now bring back zoolander as claymation shmoes
you guys sarah connor was right the machines were supposed to be afraid of are corporations that aren't alive but work as this robotic machine to make life business and fortune based because its how its economy exists it has one function to gain capital rather than produce what's best for human beings and an environment as living organisms that need futures with fresh air and art lol all the stuff .. industries that make quantitties over good quality are not feeding our souls .. treat yoself day is coming up you all gotta treat yo'soul .. here's joan cusak being seductively psycho lol
re: movies you have watched thread
because terminator 2 came out in the 80s and was a movie lol but yeah businesses are like the borg on star trek made up of real people getting together to perform one big nonfunctional society like I'm so embarrassed technology advanced before the civil rights movement why are we all displaying ignorance and not world peace omg if there was a such thing as aliens they would've seen one innocent black man killed and taken off because they're higher intelligence looks at us all like some horror planet .. if we eat meat that must be survival so why are we all not thriving and feeling the love and being so healthy that art and comedy and music can be good always and not have talent become extinct because kids today are growing up seeing throwbacks and sequels its cruel to force nostalgia on kids when it it bland and shallow you've given them a puppet rather than mothers milk.. doesn't nature always find a way? the pursuit of personal gain happiness is so passé its all about cooperation and the meek first it makes sense when you actually do it lol competition is supposed to be for fun to feel alive but it's not supposed to be the standard you're not meant to exist at adrenaline level consistently because where's the world peace harmony in some people driving at a billionaire speed it's called lame stop it . learn.
what movie did i see else? i watched moonstruck again and edit: i had to edit this to make more sense because autocorrect kept trying to robotsplain what i was sayin
what movie did i see else? i watched moonstruck again and edit: i had to edit this to make more sense because autocorrect kept trying to robotsplain what i was sayin
Re: Movies you have watched thread.
74Funny Terminator should be mentioned. I just watched the first movie for the second time the other day. First time was maaany years ago. Better than I remember. It's a solid action movie. Cool intro. I would've cut the sex scene though.
born to give
Re: Movies you have watched thread.
75Just watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Not perfect, but such a tight, well made little movie. I really love many of the decisions to just smartly plant the camera in one spot and let action play out. Too few recent movies, especially those with action or horror have the patience to let sit like that. The camera was rather smart the entire duration. The only exception that comes to mind is in the dinner when some of the screaming and unconventional shots (or if not actual shots, similar shots) were repeated a few too many times, dragging out the effect. However, that is a criticism I'm making of a 1974 movie during 2021. Also, while the characters did dumb, non-optimal stuff, those actions are highly believable, even probable for a bunch of young people whose brains aren't fully formed yet.
Re: Movies you have watched thread.
76One of my favorite moviegoing experiences ever was when the local arthouse theater hosted a screening of that movie in an old theater here in town. They had a live band score the film as it played, they served 'blood red' wine, and there was a costume contest (a guy dressed as a beekeeper one). It was a lot of fun.VaticanShotglass wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:11 pm Just watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Not perfect, but such a tight, well made little movie. I really love many of the decisions to just smartly plant the camera in one spot and let action play out. Too few recent movies, especially those with action or horror have the patience to let sit like that. The camera was rather smart the entire duration. The only exception that comes to mind is in the dinner when some of the screaming and unconventional shots (or if not actual shots, similar shots) were repeated a few too many times, dragging out the effect. However, that is a criticism I'm making of a 1974 movie during 2021. Also, while the characters did dumb, non-optimal stuff, those actions are highly believable, even probable for a bunch of young people whose brains aren't fully formed yet.
"Whatever happened to that album?"
"I broke it, remember? I threw it against the wall and it like, shattered."
"I broke it, remember? I threw it against the wall and it like, shattered."
Re: Movies you have watched thread.
77Shoplifters (2018) - Very sad and beautiful. It's kind of my dream to have a family like this. And then I am lifted out of that dream along with the rest of them...
It's strange how I continue to love all of them despite the callousness they are shown to be capable of. But it gets you thinking - do they only care about money? Or are they terribly alone, and the other stuff is just an inescapable part of their life situation? It is desperation that brings them together, in more ways than one.
All the actors were great, but Matsuoka Mayu really took it home. She's so natural.
It's strange how I continue to love all of them despite the callousness they are shown to be capable of. But it gets you thinking - do they only care about money? Or are they terribly alone, and the other stuff is just an inescapable part of their life situation? It is desperation that brings them together, in more ways than one.
All the actors were great, but Matsuoka Mayu really took it home. She's so natural.
born to give
re: movies you have watched thread
^is there anything better than big naturals?
lol or billy crystal movie soundtracks
lol or billy crystal movie soundtracks
Re: Movies you have watched thread.
79Raya and the Last Dragon - It had a promising setup but the climax is astonishingly contrived. That was a far greater fault than the not-so-good message about trust and whatever that most people criticize it for.
Black Widow - I don't know anything about comics and I watch these Marvel movies just to keep up with what's going on, so this leaves me confused over some things here. Even so, the part where Natasha confronts the bad guy had such a hilarious goof - at first she is shown to be unaware of bad guy's "weakness", but then we are shown a flashback where her "mother" tells her about it, and then all of a sudden she knows. Using flashbacks for that sort of thing is lame in general.
I don't get where the story wants to go. Their childhood is made out to be a big trauma, which it should be, but then later the parents are like eh whatever let's just have fun, and the kids are immediately like eh whatever yeah. Kind of removes the weight from the whole thing.
Florence Pugh was fun as expected.
Dazed and Confused - Man Linklater is dull. I hate every person in this movie.
John Wick - This was a surprise. I dig the whole alternate universe thing they got going on. They drop hints every now and then as to John's background and what's actually happening in this world, but they don't dwell on it for long. No time wasted on spinning a complicated story. Fun shooting scenes thankfully free of "impressive" visual effects. I like how John just walks straight up to that guy and shoots him with none of that silly drawn out stuff where they pause for a full minute pointing the gun and doing some speech, giving time for some other unexpected event to happen which allows the other guy to escape etc...
Black Widow - I don't know anything about comics and I watch these Marvel movies just to keep up with what's going on, so this leaves me confused over some things here. Even so, the part where Natasha confronts the bad guy had such a hilarious goof - at first she is shown to be unaware of bad guy's "weakness", but then we are shown a flashback where her "mother" tells her about it, and then all of a sudden she knows. Using flashbacks for that sort of thing is lame in general.
I don't get where the story wants to go. Their childhood is made out to be a big trauma, which it should be, but then later the parents are like eh whatever let's just have fun, and the kids are immediately like eh whatever yeah. Kind of removes the weight from the whole thing.
Florence Pugh was fun as expected.
Dazed and Confused - Man Linklater is dull. I hate every person in this movie.
John Wick - This was a surprise. I dig the whole alternate universe thing they got going on. They drop hints every now and then as to John's background and what's actually happening in this world, but they don't dwell on it for long. No time wasted on spinning a complicated story. Fun shooting scenes thankfully free of "impressive" visual effects. I like how John just walks straight up to that guy and shoots him with none of that silly drawn out stuff where they pause for a full minute pointing the gun and doing some speech, giving time for some other unexpected event to happen which allows the other guy to escape etc...
born to give
Re: Movies you have watched thread.
80I really wish things like that were more common all over the place.zircona1 wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 11:55 amOne of my favorite moviegoing experiences ever was when the local arthouse theater hosted a screening of that movie in an old theater here in town. They had a live band score the film as it played, they served 'blood red' wine, and there was a costume contest (a guy dressed as a beekeeper one). It was a lot of fun.VaticanShotglass wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:11 pm Just watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Not perfect, but such a tight, well made little movie. I really love many of the decisions to just smartly plant the camera in one spot and let action play out. Too few recent movies, especially those with action or horror have the patience to let sit like that. The camera was rather smart the entire duration. The only exception that comes to mind is in the dinner when some of the screaming and unconventional shots (or if not actual shots, similar shots) were repeated a few too many times, dragging out the effect. However, that is a criticism I'm making of a 1974 movie during 2021. Also, while the characters did dumb, non-optimal stuff, those actions are highly believable, even probable for a bunch of young people whose brains aren't fully formed yet.
I saw most of that while mostly reading on the internet. What a mess. The first 30 minutes had me think it might be a relatively grounded spy-action movie, but nope, it was a big goofy blow up movie. That's fine, I don't much care. It did get dumber and dumber as it went, which I can appreciate. Looks like the post production budget got tighter and tighter too. I love the end when Pugh's character blows off of something and she looks like Poochy going back to his home planet. She and that Stranger Things guy are likable enough, but jeez. What a middling G.I. Joe episode of a plot.kokorodoko wrote: Black Widow - I don't know anything about comics and I watch these Marvel movies just to keep up with what's going on, so this leaves me confused over some things here. Even so, the part where Natasha confronts the bad guy had such a hilarious goof - at first she is shown to be unaware of bad guy's "weakness", but then we are shown a flashback where her "mother" tells her about it, and then all of a sudden she knows. Using flashbacks for that sort of thing is lame in general.
I don't get where the story wants to go. Their childhood is made out to be a big trauma, which it should be, but then later the parents are like eh whatever let's just have fun, and the kids are immediately like eh whatever yeah. Kind of removes the weight from the whole thing.
Florence Pugh was fun as expected.
Don't you get it? They are Russians. Like real Russians without a coddled five minute childhood in "Ohio." Russians breath and shit trauma, see?Their childhood is made out to be a big trauma, which it should be, but then later the parents are like eh whatever let's just have fun, and the kids are immediately like eh whatever yeah.
I don't feel one way or the other about Linklater. I know a guy who really loves those movies with Ethan Hawke and that french Julie something or other lady. Dazed and Confused is an odd movie that I cannot separate from my own lived experiences. Take out the Aerosmith and show-winning-quality classic cars and you pretty much have the atmosphere of my freshman year of high school. I mean, it wasn't that cartoonish, but yeah, we even had the creepy mathew mcconaughey type guy hanging out shooting pool at the little market across the street ready to flirt with the 15 year olds. Of course that movie only reinforced all those elements.Dazed and Confused - Man Linklater is dull. I hate every person in this movie.