AliExpress Band Shirts

Total votes: 9 (64%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 5 (36%)
Total votes: 14

AliExpress Bootleg Band Shirts

As an old record shop owning saddo who, due to the whims of the market, ended up running a goddamn band shirt boutique, I am endlessly fascinated by the rad bootleg band shirts available at China's aliexpress.

I bought a few, $6.99 with free shipping to Japan ffs. Although they will pull the ol' switcheroo if you click size 3L etc and suddenly its $12.


very high quality material
cheap as shit
fits my shape perfectly
tracked packages
free worldwide shipping


fake as shit
like fuck the band gets paid
the graphic doesnt realllly look like it does in the picture
fuck China
If your size is L/XL-ish you need to buy 3L then cut the hem off cos it will be wayyy too long

tl/dr yes, the wild west of band shirt fuckery is currently in the far east


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