tallchris wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 5:51 pm
Anyone here tried out those 1x15 or 2x15 Mesa Ulta-Lite Subway cabs? If so how do you like them in comparison to the Diesel/Dietz/TL606 cabs?
I havent. But I have a few related side topics.
1) I live in New York City. I like *never* need to bring a bass cab with me to play shows. I rarely even bring a head, just go with the backline. BUT, there are those rare instances when you play somewhere weird and have to bring you own bass amp. We played such a show two weeks ago and, and with only a Honda HRV to get a three piece band's stuff transported, our options were limited. I figured it out (sub-optimally*) and we got it done but every rare time that this happens I find myself wanting for a small ass bass cab. Like a 1x12".
2) Im sure that Mesa sounds fine but, IMHO, it looks terrible.
3) I should probably just build myself a Balls TL806 to satisfy my needs. That cab plus a neo speaker would probably be perfect.
*I wound up playing bass out of a Sunn Frankenstein because it was the smallest thing I could use. Beta Bass head, but in a Beta lead combo. Open back, total loss of low end but I could wing it. Also for some reason someone put two EVM-12S in it, which means it weighs about as much as the aforementioned Honda HRV: