Re: implied violence of the herrenvolk movement

brephophagist wrote: Fri Nov 26, 2021 2:21 pm I get FM ErickC was not 100% serious here, but by giving "meth" serious consideration in this conversation as an explanation for escalating far-right violence, we are venturing dangerously close the same rhetorical territory as J.D. Vance. (edit in case I am not clear here: fuck J.D. Vance, forever.)
Of course the issue of far right violence has many sociological facets that can’t be reduced to substance use, but I do think that it plays an oversized role in large swaths of the country.

My own (very) extended family is littered with militia-bait young men for whom meth and trump are their bread and butter. The absurd confidence that meth gives users, way out of proportion to circumstances, fuels their ability to do insane things and believe that they are justified, like Jan 6th. The confluence of meth and trump are very evident on a drive through rural California. Quite a few of our patients get shipped into the city have maga hats and meth mouth.

Re: implied violence of the herrenvolk movement

I don’t mind throwing the poor crackers under the bus, but I have to agree with Mr. Sanders that, as always, it is the rich oligarchs selling them the poisoned idea of personal liberty through freedoms like guns, big gulps, selfies, and edibles, who perpetuates the cycle of fear and hatred, amplified through availability of 24 hr propaganda. Yeah, lets go to fucking Mars.

Re: implied violence of the herrenvolk movement

All I know is this (and I accept it as being anecdotal, but, as someone who has done actual research for institutional purposes, I don't care when I'm shooting the shit): pretty much every far-right evangelical I've known has a whole lot of meth, coke, or both in their past or present. The more substances for longer periods, the further right they skew. And pretty much every meth user I've met skews pretty far right.

It's like the pickup truck question: does owning a pickup make someone drive like an asshole, or do people who drive like assholes tend to prefer pickups? Someone (1-2-3-NOT ME) can file an IRB and start gathering data in a systematic way to answer these questions. I wonder what answers they will find.
Total_douche, MSW, LICSW (lulz)

Re: implied violence of the herrenvolk movement

I think meth is a symptom of the problem, as are opiates.

You have a tremendous decoupling of work from wages that's been accelerating since the early '80s. You hear the phrase all the time "productivity is up" and "Americans have the highest productivity in the world." But what does that word mean, "productivity"?

It's the gap between what your employer pays you and how much he makes off of your labor. So, when you use different words, it paints a less rosy picture:

"Surplus value stolen from working people is up" and "Americans have the highest surplus value stolen from working people in the world."

How has this theft been possible? From loads and loads and LOADS of propaganda. American "prosperity" is balanced on a knifepoint. There is a relationship between minimum quality of life for The Majority and "The point at which people riot in the streets." People are falling through the cracks all over Appalachia and the Rust Belt, in the parts of California outside of SF Metro, and the rural Midwest. The thing is, so many people are just mollified enough that they don't get enraged until they get cancer and their health insurance turns out to be useless. Now you can't riot, you've got cancer.

Failing appeasement through bread and circuses, the propaganda machine gets turned up.

The American economy has gone through at least three massive resets in my lifetime and since 1999, I've watched one overheated stimulation of the economy after another boom and then bust. The "internet boom," the cheap credit boom and bust, the housing market boom and bust. We're running out of things to overheat to keep the standard of living on the right side of the "riots in the streets" point, so by necessity, the propaganda machine has been running at 118db, 24/7.

People like the owner of Breitbart (Robert Mercer, back taxes owed: $7 billion, as of 2017) and Rupert Murdoch, Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiele, etc, know that if people figure out that their surplus value that is being stolen are flowing UPWARDS, then billionaire meat will be on the menu. Redirecting their rage at "illegal" "immigrants", black and brown people, and trans people turn folks who are already falling off the table into a convenient pinata.

Americans may be the most propagandized people in the history of the modern world. What's that internet quote that is going around? "Under capitalism, it's normal to let children go hungry, let banks force people out of their homes, let sick people die for lack of access to healthcare. But the idea that billionaires could just I be less rich - not poor, not struggling, just less rich, is considered insane."

Naturally, some True Believers are going to swallow more of the bullshit than others, and if they're on the sharper side of the knife point, they're going to be more aggressive about it, since Fear=Anger.

So, here we are. Blaming meth for right wing agita is like blaming cocaine for disco. Correlation is not causation, but the correlation is strong.

Also, the Proud Boys is a massive cocaine distribution operation, and you can't convince otherwise. I mean, look at those dudes. Fucking blow weasels.
tbone wrote: Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:58 pm I imagine at some point as a practicality we will all start assuming that this is probably the last thing we gotta mail to some asshole.

Re: implied violence of the herrenvolk movement

losthighway wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 1:39 pm
In the above ^ what's the Church and State piece about. A specific ruling, or just the general theocratic pulse behind this shit show?
I'm guessing it's re: Maine and vouchers to religious schools. ... index.html
"Whatever happened to that album?"
"I broke it, remember? I threw it against the wall and it like, shattered."

Re: implied violence of the herrenvolk movement

pater_toma wrote: Fri Nov 26, 2021 8:59 pm
bishopdante wrote: Fri Nov 26, 2021 7:18 pm
BeyondThePale wrote: Thu Nov 25, 2021 6:08 am psychosis and acute liver failure... and yup - meth.

The nazi government believed it was a good caffeine substitute, in the late 1930s, and added it as a general purpose food additive.

This was a big very mistake.
Believe it or not, meth is actually FDA approved to this day in the US for pharmacological use. Not sure how often it is prescribed, but the brand is Desoxyn.
Wait'll you guys hear about how many people are taking ADD meds.
tbone wrote: Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:58 pm I imagine at some point as a practicality we will all start assuming that this is probably the last thing we gotta mail to some asshole.

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