The Locust
2stupis ass shit talking too slow to be grind/thrash/whatever the hell they
think they are hype driven crap machine (with keyboard!)...good band that came from an ex member: Tarantula Hawk
think they are hype driven crap machine (with keyboard!)...good band that came from an ex member: Tarantula Hawk
The Locust
4I may not be able to listen to them for more than 30 minutes, but NOT CRAP. Highly entertaining.
The Locust
Energetic, funny, and normal people are afraid of it.
Energetic, funny, and normal people are afraid of it.
But I digress. Please continue with the squirrel circuit semantic debate.
The Locust
8Dylan wrote:I may not be able to listen to them for more than 30 minutes, but NOT CRAP. Highly entertaining.
Do they even have more than 30 minutes of music?
Not crap.
That's not entirely true.
The Locust
9i was just thinking, that i have not listened to swing kids in a long long long long long time! why not kenoki!??!! what's UUPP
The Locust
10saw the locust last year (the day after i saw joel phelps the downer trio) and they were amazing. certainly one of the best shows i've ever seen and maybe the best since i didn't already know the songs.
but i wouldn't listen to a cd and i think they'd probably let me down if i saw them again.
but that show last feb was so great.
they've been around a while and seem to have influenced a good number of bands, so let's say NOT CRAP.
but i wouldn't listen to a cd and i think they'd probably let me down if i saw them again.
but that show last feb was so great.
they've been around a while and seem to have influenced a good number of bands, so let's say NOT CRAP.