Re: Tipping The Sacred Cows 2.0

89-92 Faith No More supposedly had the cheesesteak thing going: all the components are shit, but in this case they come together right. In fact they do not. It’s just nasal white man voice, cocked wah guitar, limp overhyped 80s rock drums with no swing behind them, slap-a-da-bass and a wash of disco strings, and they suck even more for being in the same place and time together.

Martin Scorsese should have just been a Broadway choreographer. At least then his gaudy musical taste would have made sense in context. Slow motion is a corny effect that nobody should ever use.

I feel like I shouldn’t keep going because this is kind of my schtick here?

Re: Tipping The Sacred Cows 2.0

"Talk about the weather" by Red Lorry Yellow Lorry is a better song than 99% of Joy Division songs, which isn't saying much as most Joy Division songs sound like half-realised jams with a singer who seemed wierdly reluctant to ever stray more than a tone from the note he started on.

Also, agree about Loveless.

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