Re: Little Details from Your Day

Mickey242 wrote: Sat Dec 04, 2021 10:31 pm Guess I"m smoking again.
Me too man.

I've been baking vegan Snickerdoodle cookies all day but instead of vanilla I'm using one of the amaro I sell, and instead of cinnamon I'm using timut peppers, which are in the amaro; they are kinda like szechuan peppercorn in that they have a saline and soapy flavor and a mouth numbing characteristic. They came out pretty good!
Records + CDs for sale
Perfume for sale

Re: Little Details from Your Day

God Fucking Dammit,
As i work my way through my record collection alphabetically, listening to everything and instagramming about it, I do a band at a time. So I just finished Die Kreuzen, next up is Dinosaur! Yay, So i got out the Dinosaur records, sorted them by date and I was checking out the Just Like Heaven 12 inch, with the Last Rights tune and etching on the B side. Cool. I fucking dropped it on the floor and broke it. God Fucking dammit. Fucking thing is worth like $100. Why couldn't I drop the stupid Tom Dickie and the Desires album, or the fucking Dire Straits that is coming up next. I have to fucking destroy a great record by a good band. Fucking moron.

that's what I get for day drinking. Fuck me I am a clumsy fool.


Re: Little Details from Your Day

jason from volo wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:56 am The storm we had here last night (which wasn't as bad around Chicago as it was in Iowa and Minnesota) made a hell of a racket and ripped off some of the siding on my house.

All things considered, could have been a helluva lot worse. Didn't sleep at all though and now have to make a few phone calls.
Yesterday it was just a bit breezy here, sunny and about 48 degrees. It clouded over by late afternoon, and by 6:00 we had rain, thunder and lightning. Today we have a high of 18, it's stupid windy, and everything has a layer of glaze ice under about 2 inches of snow.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

In the midst of a bad economy, it’s important to remember that “good economies” are the anomalies and always have been such in human history. No matter what you’re graduating with and from, everything you have done so far is and was worth it. There is no useless knowledge, and the world will make space for you and you will make it make space for you, even if you sometimes have to tap a window open or kick a door down.

It's really, really difficult to form a realistic assessment of one's own as to what this university education is actually "worth". On the one hand you have the philistine right-wingers whom I instinctively of course just give the finger, but who nonetheless tap into very real anxieties of my future prospects. On the other hand you have the university itself, who affirm and validate all my highest ideals, but where I also cannot ignore that in some sense they are a business and this is their advertising.

What do I know, ultimately, how close a message like the one above is to so-called reality; but I do get happy hearing things like this from time to time.
born to give

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