Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

gonzochicago wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:02 pm Internet is going to be a BIG problem. Called 7 different companies + I think I'm stuck with 12 MEG Frontier (garbage) DSL. Holy shit. A tech nerd we know has Starlink up there, and he'll dig for me, but officially, it's "unavailable" in my area. Could be a workaround... having all the nerds looking into it. Might not even bother with such tragic DSL and simply use a Hotspot alongside using the internet less. "Welcome to the Northwoods", they all say (which is a stupid fucking thing to say in 2021) - Talked to a local guy who took huge loans to build out / glom onto towers himself. He's also digging for me. i'm amazed at the lack of options. Hey, at least it's not 1998 tho...right?
Starlink is a pet interest of mine. Rural areas with little or no ISP coverage like yours are exactly the kind of customers Starlink was designed for. Not to mention they are aiming to be able to cover the whole world soon. Beta testing started earlier this year but the pace of SpaceX's progress is really impressive. Your area may not be covered now, but they are sending up those satellites at an extraordinary rate. Receivers go for anywhere up to a couple hundred dollars. I would expect the price to come down in the near future.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Johnny Doglands wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 3:00 pm
gonzochicago wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:02 pm Internet is going to be a BIG problem. Called 7 different companies + I think I'm stuck with 12 MEG Frontier (garbage) DSL. Holy shit. A tech nerd we know has Starlink up there, and he'll dig for me, but officially, it's "unavailable" in my area. Could be a workaround... having all the nerds looking into it. Might not even bother with such tragic DSL and simply use a Hotspot alongside using the internet less. "Welcome to the Northwoods", they all say (which is a stupid fucking thing to say in 2021) - Talked to a local guy who took huge loans to build out / glom onto towers himself. He's also digging for me. i'm amazed at the lack of options. Hey, at least it's not 1998 tho...right?
Starlink is a pet interest of mine. Rural areas with little or no ISP coverage like yours are exactly the kind of customers Starlink was designed for. Not to mention they are aiming to be able to cover the whole world soon. Beta testing started earlier this year but the pace of SpaceX's progress is really impressive. Your area may not be covered now, but they are sending up those satellites at an extraordinary rate. Receivers go for anywhere up to a couple hundred dollars. I would expect the price to come down in the near future.
Here's hoping! I'm definitely on board the second it comes in. Supposedly another has Verizon but "officially" they're not covered. Weird shit, as I'm not exactly in the middle of nowhere. I'll see what I can do.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

That’s the sorta thing I was expecting.

Solutions exist, for the rural compound situation, but they weren’t typically all that great when I was dealing with all that.

Sometimes you can get into a situation where cable modem with actual high speed exists like a half mile from your spot, and then you just pay like $50k to get the provider to trench that on into your property. A with-a-b billionaire client I was dealing with said something along the lines of “fuck that I’m not paying for that, I’ll just wait a year and get my internet from SpaceX”. He was only partly wrong, maybe. That was in like 2018.

Another option is finding a terrestrial connection that’s miles away from where you ate, and then beaming it over to your property via antenna. Requires a physical line of sight, so, big hills can ruin that. But that was a solution that one guy went with for his spot in Door County.

If you have cellular service, you have data right there. Use your phone as a hotspot.

If you don’t have cellular service, realize what that means in terms of ability to do things

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

bishopdante wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:16 am The way that GW pharmaceuticals have structured their operation is very clever. You take the exhaust gas from combustion, filter it some, and then chuck it into a glass house. They originally planned to grow tomatoes, but then got a license to grow pharmaceutical cannabis for insomniacs, AIDS patients and anorexics on private healthcare. CO2 is a plant nutrient. The single industrial scale greenhouse which incinerates biomass from the waste stream produces 50% of the medical pharmaceutical cannabinoid medicine on the global market.

They obviously do that on a massive Megawatts scale, but you could totally purchase a compact power generation unit designed for datacenter or telecommunications use, and run that into a suitable sized greenhouse growing... well... tomatoes. Dunno if you can get a cannabis growing license in Wisconsin, but I hear it's a cash crop that could fund a private space program (insert Highdeas here).
Don't want to rain on anyone's parade here but trying to do this with a standard house-size generator is going to turn out badly unless you are able to install and keep up better emission controls than what current generators have in place. The controls out now reduce emissions to much lower levels than even what was out ten years ago and much better than 20-30 years ago, but you still have metal emissions and polycyclic organic emissions in particulate form being contained within an enclosed area used for food production, those will deposit and concentrate in the soil and eventually make it into the plants being grown in the greenhouse, versus being emitted into open air and being dispersed over a very wide area in much lower concentrations that will be negligible compared to background. Also there's the matter of having CO concentrated in an enclosed area, which would make it unsafe for someone to enter.
bishopdante wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:16 am You can also buy various turbines salvaged from the commercial aerospace industry, but they're not really designed for 24/7 reliable operation. Certainly piston engines are quite unsuitable for long-term low-noise/vibration high efficiency power generation, and the lack of effective and affordable small-scale turbine technology is one of the limits on off-grid urbanisation. Balancing the rotor is equivalent to precision, so it's possible to mass produce such things these days, whereas in the past it was horribly expensive to produce complex metal parts.
I'd advise against trying to build your own generator system, much less using a salvaged turbine what with the fan blades spinning at very high speeds, as a turbine from the aerospace industry will have had many operating hours on it already causing stress to the blades, such that they could fail during operation and snap off, creating a very real explosion and flying debris hazard.
f.k.a. jimmy two hands

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

bishopdante wrote: Sat Dec 25, 2021 6:26 pm No offense, but these victorian hypothetical arguments about the viability stand in contrast to the existence of a massive industrial sector which recognises that turbines burn cleaner than the cleanest autoclaves and commercial gas ovens.
No, no, Don't mind me. Please continue doing what you do best...

Offering wildly expensive, dangerous and/or impractical advice, often where no advice was asked for.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Johnny Doglands wrote:
bishopdante wrote: Sat Dec 25, 2021 6:26 pm No offense, but these victorian hypothetical arguments about the viability stand in contrast to the existence of a massive industrial sector which recognises that turbines burn cleaner than the cleanest autoclaves and commercial gas ovens.
No, no, Don't mind me. Please continue doing what you do best...

Offering wildly expensive, dangerous and/or impractical advice, often where no advice was asked for.

I've got an alternative to sourcing fucking junkyard turbine components, building some sort of hack job generator and growing exhaust tomatoes (plus all the energy wasted researching, transporting, clearing wooded land to cobble it together):

gonzochicago wrote: Doubling down on life, I guess you could say.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

jeff fox wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 2:19 pm
Johnny Doglands wrote:
bishopdante wrote: Sat Dec 25, 2021 6:26 pm No offense, but these victorian hypothetical arguments about the viability stand in contrast to the existence of a massive industrial sector which recognises that turbines burn cleaner than the cleanest autoclaves and commercial gas ovens.
No, no, Don't mind me. Please continue doing what you do best...

Offering wildly expensive, dangerous and/or impractical advice, often where no advice was asked for.

I've got an alternative to sourcing fucking junkyard turbine components, building some sort of hack job generator and growing exhaust tomatoes (plus all the energy wasted researching, transporting, clearing wooded land to cobble it together):

Having actually read FM gonzochicago's posts, and had a glance at the plans...I would say he's got this shit covered. The only problem there at the moment is the lack of internet. Energies would be better used trying to come up with a practical (and not wildly expensive) solution.

I'm still thinking that by the time the building is done, Starlink will be one of the best options.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Bishopdante, Listen.

I felt I had to respond in the interests of FM gonzochicago (or anyone else) not giving themselves carbon monoxide poisioning. FM jimbo (who knows his shit by the way) also had similar concerns.

You haven't even bothered to address what FM jimbo had to say, just gone way off on tangents about how it's clean on an industrial scale (this is not a factory we are talking about, this is a cabin in Wisconsin) They have bad air quality in India and China (again, cabin in Wisconsin) .

Instead of saying, okay maybe I should have put these ideas in the HighDeas thread (where the disclaimer is implied) you have decided to double down. I would suggest you are very confused and have forgotten what we were talking about in the first place. Bill Gates? What the hell has that got to do with anything?

Why derail what was a cool thread about someone doing something interesting with a load of irelevant crap that belongs on a conspiracy forum? FFS.

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