Thanks. I know I was being a bit dense in asking that, but part of it has been purposely putting myself in a bubble to avoid the frustration of learning all the bullshit other people are following or wrote: Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:22 pmGeiginni is right though. You are not really saying anything beyond some experts are experter than others.handsbloodyhands wrote: Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:17 pmOn the nose.Wood Goblin wrote: Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:46 am I think he’s making fun of the people who don’t trust the CDC, WHO, or epidemiologists but think Joe Rogan had interesting things to say about which strain of cannabis is most effective for treating Covid pneumonia.
And we all agree on that.
Part of the demographic drive of the "which experts to believe" is driven by relational trust. Everyone almost everywhere knows jackasses like Rogan and trust them in honest guy-to-guy, business-on-a-handshake contexts, but don't necessarily know or spend time with people who have higher degrees in the sciences and statistics. Viewing public employees as faceless cogs in a hierarchy driven by lack-of-accountability at the top exacerbates the lack of trust in people who otherwise love the families and communities and want what's best for their fellow citizens, and whose years of study and devotion to their profession should imbue them with trustworthiness over random famous dudes with podcasts and snake-oil websites.