Maurice wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 8:13 pm
I did send out a gift (glad you liked your coffee, FM biscuitdough!), though one didn't come in. (If you sent one and it's lost, let me know! If not, hey, things are tough all over. It's cool.)
This was a bit of a life changing gift, at least in the sense of it got me out of a routine and brought joy back into something I had lost the joy of! I dug out my siphon brewer, ordered a new pour over cone, swapped a really terrible drip machine for a better one I had been keeping in storage, started using my grinder again… it’s been a lot of fun!
I have no idea if the gift I sent was well received. I had a fun idea that I ended up not being able to do, but I think I sent something cool. Definitely up to do this again next year.