Embarrasing Albums you own.....

i own and love many of these albums that you all are so ashamed of.

HAVING SAID THAT, HERE'S MY LIST OF MUSIC COLLECTION BLACK EYES: (and for various reasons, mostly still enjoy.)

*Bruce Dickinson- Tattoed Millionaire.
*"Music Of the Vampires"- KTel collection of puke-inducing synthesizer music mixed with Bela Lugosi and Gary Oldman samples.
*Sounds of the Outback- collection of Austrailia's greatest jazz digiridoo players. i am not joking.
*German Military Marches- a collection of just that. yeah, Nazis are evil- but they sure know how to make music that makes you want to get out of bed and take over the world while tapping your feet!
*Can't Stop Singing- CD made of all the entries of 1998 SPEBSQSA Convention (The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America). blasting this CD works wonders on roomates who just won't get out of the fucking shower already!
*Aqua- Aquarium. i think it's good and the singer girl is so hot. so kill me!
*Rod Stewart- every album he's ever made. what can i say? i love his voice and would probably take a bullet for him. boy, do my friends hate driving in a car with me when Rod comes on the radio.
*the soundtrack for the Little Mermaid- don't ask.
*Wolfsheim- every album. i'm part German- i can't help it!
*the Walkmen- i feel like a hipster tool- but it's just great drinking music.

whew- i feel like a huge weight lifed from my shoulders!
"NILBOG is GOBLIN spelled backwards!!!!"
-Joshua. (Troll 2.)

Embarrasing Albums you own.....

i have to say that i love it but would the sultans of ping fc be embarassing.

i met the drummer of sultans some years back at a house party -nice guy, but i bet if you asked him now, even HE would probably say that it's embarrassing!!!

genesis- i don't know- "Mama" is still an awesome track in my book. but then again, i am a total sucker for any music containing maniacal laughter!

"NILBOG is GOBLIN spelled backwards!!!!"
-Joshua. (Troll 2.)

Embarrasing Albums you own.....

oh dont get me wrong i am only embarassed to own it.

i fucking love it as well.

i know embarassing stuff when i hear it.

for a punk and indie freak who grew up with musicians and music i do have a crap side as well.

wet wet wet. everything they did.
peri wrote:The gfirl just emailed me, "I've never had any desire to eat a scotch egg'.

I guess she gonna go hungry tonight

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