Re: How Long Before the Trumps Flee?

They won’t. A full 1/3 of the country has totally bough into “the big lie” and their minds will never be changed. The GOP is 100% the party of Trump now, and there is probably a better than 50/50 chance that they will take back control of one or both houses of the legislature in 2022. And if the need to, I’m sure they will shit can the filibuster on day 1. At that point, any congressional investigations will be stopped or obstructed to the point of being meaningless. Jim GD Jordan is likely going to chair the Judicial Committee FFS. Maybe the DOJ can continue on its own but it will be branded as partisan Biden puppies, much like it actually WAS under DJT. It will probably come up with some soft laughable Mueller-esque report that gets forgotten in the next news dump.

2024 election is going to be a shit show. If Trump runs he will definitely be the GOP candidate, and knowing this, I can’t imagine his narcissistic ass not running. The GOP also now has a blueprint of how to cast doubt and claim non-existent fraud until the cows come home. I think no mater what the actual vote spread is, the election will end being decided by the house or Supreme Court and both will be fully under Trump’s command. After that the republicans will be fully empowered to simply toss out any election or vote that doesn't go their way, regardless of the opposition. There could even be a movement to suspend elections altogether.

As far as the other criminal and civil issues, those will be small potatoes. They will just keep everything tied up ad infinitum. If family members get convicted criminally, daddy will be there to pardon and/or pull strings. And since the GOP is already covering some of Trump’s legal expenses, I’m sure any civil penalties will probably be paid out of campaign money or republican coffers. Totes illegal but what are you gonna do? Take it to congress lol?

Our very democracy is in the balance. There are only two things that might stem the tide. First would be if DJT dies or has a significant health issue that would physically restrict him from being able to hold office, even as a figurehead. The second would be if the Dems somehow retain the house and senate through 2024, somehow overcome the filibuster in order to actually get some policies enacted, and if by hook or by crook we end up with a democratic president in 2024, if its Biden or hopefully someone younger with more balls. With the foreign policy disasters and kitchen table issues like the pandemic and inflation on the table, Biden is in real trouble… ... c2ODk2ZA==

Re: How Long Before the Trumps Flee?

Anthony Flack wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 3:49 pm
Our very democracy is in the balance. There are only two things that might stem the tide.
It's an indictment on the system that's currently in place that this would even be true, but the fact is a couple of US SC justices suddenly dying between now and the midterms would potentially change the course of world history.
On that note, Breyer should step the fuck down while Biden is still POTUS. Then again, would the turtle be able to run out the clock?

Re: How Long Before the Trumps Flee?

Breyer should step the fuck down ASAP if he doesn't want to repeat RBG's colossal fucking mistake. With no filibuster on judicial appointments I don't think the Turtle has the power to block appointments... for now.

And goddamn it RBG they told you you were too old. That's not ageist, that's just the human lifespan. And now look. ""My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed" - yeah I guess it was everybody's fervent wish you didn't fuck everything by hanging on when you should have retired, but YA DID. It was arrogant and selfish and dumb and that one decision did enough damage to all the causes she championed to undo her life's work. Pass the baton you idiots.

Oh, term limits, for fuck's sake. Thinking about American politics is depressing; probably why Americans don't do it.

Re: How Long Before the Trumps Flee?

jfv wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 1:18 pm
ErickC wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 1:04 pm
elisha wiesner wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 12:25 pm He's not going anywhere. He's not doing any time. His company will be fined pretty heavily by New York state and he'll appeal and keep it in court until he's dead without paying a cent. Hell, there's a decent chance he'll get elected president again.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with this as the most likely course of action.
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

Re: How Long Before the Trumps Flee?

I'm over the pond, so by all means take this with a pinch of salt.
turnbullac wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 3:15 pm They won’t. A full 1/3 of the country has totally bough into “the big lie” and their minds will never be changed.
I think that's an overstatement. Only 50% (approx) of Americans bother to vote - maybe a 1/3 of those have bought into it, but I think even that's an overstatement. That would be roughly 50 million americans, or about 2/3 of the GOP vote.

turnbullac wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 3:15 pm The GOP is 100% the party of Trump now
It appears as time goes on more Republicans are speaking against trump/the big lie, so I'm not sure that's true either.
turnbullac wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 3:15 pm 2024 election is going to be a shit show. If Trump runs he will definitely be the GOP candidate,
I would be more worried about who they might get instead - somebody just as toxic but with actual brain cells would be a far bigger problem.

Also bear in mind that as time goes on the numbers of those 'true believers' will erode. Some will come to see the truth, some will come to realise that what happened on Jan 6th was pretty fucked up. A dozen 'Oath Keepers' have just been charged with seditious conspiracy, that's pretty serious. The ongoing investigation will reveal more and more.

Lastly, the US has never been less respected on the world stage than during trump's tenure. That might not seem like much to the average Joe, but some of the GOP will have noticed. They don't like the idea that they are a laughing stock.
turnbullac wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 3:15 pm Our very democracy is in the balance.
You don't live in a democracy. That's the real big lie.
Dave N. wrote:Most of us are here because we’re trying to keep some spark of an idea from going out.

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