Re: Little Details from Your Day

Got a new mic the other day but have been too under the weather to test it out yet. Wondering if I've contracted COVID. It might just be allergies/sinus stuff coming to a head again, though this time, at its worst, it's felt like someone stepping on my face. Will give the mic a go soon enough, when I don't feel like I'm underwater. Got it specifically for mid-side, but it has other applications.

We're getting rid of the largely unused pool table in the adjoining room near mine (where there was barely enough room for it anyway). When this is done, I'll move the turntable and main stereo in there and then be able to listen to wax with fewer aural nuisances and interruptions. Toying with the idea of also using the room as an auxiliary space for art making, but that's up in the air now.

It feels worth saying that as someone who's had a lower than usual mental bandwidth the past couple of days or so, from my modest perch, it seems like the news cycle/internet is overwhelmed with all manner of stupid controversies. It's not much to wake up/nod off to.
ZzzZzzZzzz . . .

New Novel.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

We went through an ordeal last week with the Dog. Sunday night she threw up all her food and broke out in hives. Wanted to go outside in the back yard all night because her stomach was upset and she didnt want to throw up in the house. She (the dog) was listless, and not eating or drinking. My wife took her to the Vet on Monday. We thought she might have gotten in to something poisonous, or eaten something that got stuck. xrayed, no obstruction found, given antibiotics, anti nasuea and fluids. She perked up a little on Monday, still not really eating. We gave her some boiled chicken breast and rice (our go-to sick dog food) and she ate it but the threw it up. Monday was a tough night. She didn't eat or drink on tuesday. Our normal vet was closed (!??) on tuesday, and I could not stand to watch her just sit there and shiver with hunger and pain. I took her to the emergency vet. They did an ultra sound, and blood work. The blood work was all fine, the ultrasound again showed no blockage, but some irritation. The afternoon or evening, she again felt better (due in part to the medication they gave her at the vet). Wednesday morning we gave her some canned dog food that we had around, which she devoured, but then vomiting and hives.

Turns out she is allergic to chicken. All the food, treats, etc we have ever give her was chicken. But now everytime she had it she was getting hives, a rash and vomiting. 24 hours without chicken and she turned the corner, started eating again, regained her energy, etc. By Saturday she was back. Salmon is the new jam.

so , yeah, your dog can become allergic to something very quickly. And I gather that chicken allergies are not unusual in dogs. Would have been nice for the Vets to ask about that. $1500 wasted. At least the dog is OK.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

motorbike guy wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 7:57 am Turns out she is allergic to chicken. All the food, treats, etc we have ever give her was chicken. But now everytime she had it she was getting hives, a rash and vomiting. 24 hours without chicken and she turned the corner, started eating again, regained her energy, etc. By Saturday she was back. Salmon is the new jam.

so , yeah, your dog can become allergic to something very quickly. And I gather that chicken allergies are not unusual in dogs. Would have been nice for the Vets to ask about that. $1500 wasted. At least the dog is OK.
Did they say HOW they become allergic? Like you, boiled chicken and rice is our go-to make-vomiting/shitting-dog-better move.

Glad your hound is better.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Frankie99 wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 10:58 am
Chud Fusk wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 10:54 am Almost 12 years alcohol-free, and yet my liver still wants to kill me. It's kind of unfair that you can develop cirrhosis without drinking.
Jesus Christ. That seems like a large detail from the day. That’s……brutal. I’m so sorry.
Thanks, I don't have cirrhosis yet but it's the next stage unless I can shrink my liver. Right now it's enlarged and hardening, and becoming more frequently painful. I have been experiencing more pain when I eat, which could be from the liver poking against my intestines or could be some other horror waiting to be discovered. I have a colonoscopy coming up soon, but I think they might have to start looking further up my digestive shitstem because this pain is becoming intolerable.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Chud Fusk wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 10:54 am Almost 12 years alcohol-free, and yet my liver still wants to kill me. It's kind of unfair that you can develop cirrhosis without drinking.
Im sorry to read that, I really empathize. I'll be off the booze for 1 yr in a few weeks, and am certain that there is a 'bill in the mail' as far as my health goes.
On the bright side - 12 years is a huge accomplishment, and imagine how much better your health is now than if you'd kept drinking for the last 12 years.

Aside from the covid unit, I work in a liver transplant unit - and non-surgical management of liver disease has improved dramatically in the last 10 years. Which is to say, there are options and hope. Hang in there.

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