Thanks, I appreciate your pointed answers too.
Sure, Dunning-Kruger is always present. And people of some group let you get away with things people of another group won't. The consensus of a group itself is different from how members of the group might express things individually... I don't see much awareness of these things among the leftists I observe.DaveA wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 1:09 pm[D]epending on one's environment, such resources and circumstances can be deemed suspect. What might well pass for relatively "normal" in one setting, among a specialized group of people, can be almost inordinate in another. And furthermore, among people who eat, sleep, and breathe such things, in a professional context, those same "gifts" and opportunities one makes good on in his free time, could come off as anemic. Strange how that works, huh?
[P]eople who are insiders somehow, involved with institutions of some sort or somehow professionally accredited, or even just people who've got the luxury of being a part of a larger community or others with the same interests, enjoy a certain insulation from being accused of barking up the wrong tree, or being "full of it" (if they know their stuff). Such people can always fall back on the alibi of, "This is my job, I'm paid to be nerdy/astute/inquisitive, this is what people like us do," etc. But when people outside these situations try to maintain such interests...who knows? They might feel very adrift or at odds.
I don't know how it looks from the perspective of a scholar, but if I were to speculate, I assume someone inside the halls could be more nervous about information becoming corrupted by being disseminated among outsiders (which is probably true, and it might be what it's "meant" to do).
You're also likely right about the jadedness of professionals. But that could be a source of stimulation too. When I happen upon something I think is DA BOMB and find out someone else has been going over it 50 times already, that could result in feeling downstruck, but it doesn't have to - I usually find it amusing. On the level of facts ("this thinker said this thing") there is a certain kind of true or false, while on the level of practice there is another. If you can relate something to your environment and your lived experience (and it's not blatantly unscientific), it "works" in some sense. I can imagine there being fun interplay between those inside and outside in this way.