The Clash are…

Total votes: 18 (43%)
Total votes: 24 (57%)
Total votes: 42

Re: Band: Clash, The

If this band hit you back when the short and curlies sprouted, I can't blame a young-and-dumb you for liking them. If adult you still cares about this band, you have shitty taste. With all the great stuff in this world, it amazes me that this mediocre band still gets any kind of play. Crap.

Re: Band: Clash, The

caga tio wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:24 pm If this band hit you back when the short and curlies sprouted, I can't blame a young-and-dumb you for liking them. If adult you still cares about this band, you have shitty taste. With all the great stuff in this world, it amazes me that this mediocre band still gets any kind of play. Crap.
Hmmm. Let me put it this way. What someone likes about the band can be put in context. What might I put next to the Clash on a playlist: The Jam, Nick Lowe, Elvis Costello, The Replacements- catchy rock and roll played with a little intensity. It's not incredibly innovative and it doesn't take a genius to dream up. It won't score you points amongst edgelords and you just might get a high five from a basic bro if you're wearing the t-shirt.

If it's not impressive to your ears, you're not alone but to tell everyone with some affection for The Clash they have shit taste is arrogant as fuck.

Re: Band: Clash, The

I listened to London Calling for a while but I got tired of it pretty quickly. Never heard much of anything else. I like This is England.

Edit: What was the one I really like on that album? Ah yes, Rudie Can't Fail. Listened to it again. That's a good one. Death or Glory used to be my favourite but now I find it a little meh. Guns of Brixton is pretty boring. Those are the ones I remember (apart from the title track of course, which is good but overplayed).
born to give

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