Re: What's just made you laugh?
107Because if you start saying that people are not individuals - that they are created by their upbringing and the role they play in real, nasty, going-to-work-in-traffic society - then you open the door to the idea that only a social revolution can actually solve the real problems with humanity. At that point you end up in Guantanamo, or perhaps just on the dole. If you're really unlucky you end up in academia.
born to give
Re: What's just made you laugh?
108Worst Social Media Mistakes You Can Make While Posting About War ... /slides/12 ... /slides/12
"I got to tell you, if I went to a show and an opening band I never heard of lugged a Super Six on stage, I am paying attention." - Owen
Re: What's just made you laugh?
109The ending of Fresh on Hulu. Wasn't sure if it was going to stick the landing but it did, and I laughed.
Justice for Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell