by Geiginni
I think one of the most important things to keep in mind when opening a wallet for audio gear is to remember that the ability to 'objectively' hear is limited, human perception is quite fallible, and self-deception can make you easily spend way more than makes any sense under any conditions.
Audiophiles like to think their aural perception is some finely honed thing that is infallible and inscrutable when compared to actual measurement, as laughable a precept as any of the bonkers claims found on the internets.
Be honest with yourself. If you can't tell the difference, there is effectively no difference. Trust the specs. Where self-deception too often prevails, specs will ground you in reality with cold hard facts - whether you subjectively 'like' something or not, at least you'll see what the bench numbers hold for performance.
Don't fall in love with the smell of your own farts, (or [bull]shit). Be honest that your aural perception is as easily fooled as your eyes are by optical illusions. Then set a budget based on the what you honestly want to spend, can afford to spend, and what your ego can accept rather than desires.