A.I.C vs Pantera

Alice in Chains
Total votes: 22 (71%)
Total votes: 6 (19%)
The Black Album (fuck you)
Total votes: 3 (10%)
Total votes: 31

Re: Alice in Chains v.s Pantera

While I do treasure you guys?...

Lots of being wound tight enough to go magnetic...


Terry Date winds up being their pick for their albums because of his work with Pantera.

For that alone, they get a pass.

Never mind the tour with Type O Negative where Phil was coming out and singing on the back end of "Black No. 1(Little Miss Scare All)"

That was solid.

Never mind Dime being a player who was essentially splitting the difference between Eddie and Randy Rhoads.

Totally get that I am probably in touch with my inner blockhead way more than most of you, but all of this "Tight Assing..." is a very little bit of a drag.

(That first Down record is also a keeper....)

Re: Alice in Chains v.s Pantera

Never mind the time that Illinois State Cop pulled me out of the car and "Asked..." if I would take a breath test after I told him that there was a "Pot Leaf..." Bat signal at the Pantera show and seemingly everyone except me lit up upon him pointing out how things smelled. Was surprisingly cool when I said "Look, it's honestly all second hand. I get it but I am straight edge."

Dude just looked stunned when I beat the test in question twice in a row, and said "So, seriously? A pot leaf bat signal, and you smell like that from second hand?"

Just had to tell him "Yep..."

We were right on the verge of having a laugh about it.

Re: Alice in Chains v.s Pantera

One other thing...

The grey Fender 4X12 that Chud/Boombats - Christopher from The Conformists - Billie from The Paver played through?

Bought as a pair with an M-80 head because it was a workable stand in for the Randall head/cab Dime was using back in the "Classic Coke..." days.

So, there's you "MKI" board connection right there.

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