The Circle Guitar

Total votes: 4 (50%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 4 (50%)
Total votes: 8

Re: Instrument: The Circle Guitar (with built in sequencer)

penningtron wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:45 am
At least this isn't some cheesy synth pad/Ableton setup that every band seems to use now.
Its very epidemic of our times and sad. I'm an Abelton user I know I hear presets all the time. Abelton Operator would be comparable to the DX7 presents in the 80's.

Edit; Not crap, at least someone is trying something.
"There's a felling I get when I look to the west"
"When the meaningful words. When they cease to function. When there's nothing to say."

Re: Instrument: The Circle Guitar (with built in sequencer)

Full marks for following through with this terrible concept, but it's very much the sort of thing a synth player would do to a guitar. I guess it might be ok if you had previously mangled your right hand in a nasty Circle Guitar accident and couldn't use it any more.

Well, even then, six individual outputs into a breakout box, the whole thing is complicated as hell and you just know it's gonna break down somewhere. Rather than open up possibilities, it imposes all kinds of frustrating limitations. It always hits all of the strings. It won't stay in sync with other humans. You're stuck with their complicated six output pickup. No room for a neck pickup, anyway. And there's a whirling weed whacker on your guitar face. All so you can use one not-particularly-impressive novelty strumming effect.

Godley & Creme's Gizmotron was a much better idea and that still failed terribly. Actually it seems like it's back again now? So, maybe somebody will figure out how to build a better circle guitar in 30 years. Or maybe this particular style of electric hurdy-gurdy is just not a great idea. It seems sufficiently fiddly to never be used live by anybody. I assume if you want to change the strumming pattern you have to physically pull out the strumming pegs and put them into different holes, which would be thrilling to watch.

Re: Instrument: The Circle Guitar (with built in sequencer)

Nothing about this is crap in any direction. I bet it is a blast to play with. I bet you could make rad shit with it. Guitars are boring and It's cool that Garage hacker dads are putting ceiling fan motors into them to do useless shit that rules. I guess you can't play SRV solos with it, but fuck SRV completely and every guitar that doesn't have a weird thing built into it that does weird things. Put more weird shit in guitars. NC

If you can could change the strum sequence with midi as you were playing, or tempo match it to a sequence, this would rule hard for any Eurorack synth weirdo to fuck it up with.
Was Japmn.

New OST project:

Re: Instrument: The Circle Guitar (with built in sequencer)

Kniferide wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 9:42 pm Put more weird shit in guitars. NC
This. People used to come up with all kinds of bonkers shit, not just slight twists on things invented 60 years ago.
If you can could change the strum sequence with midi as you were playing, or tempo match it to a sequence, this would rule hard for any Eurorack synth weirdo to fuck it up with.
I like the idea of just setting it down to do its thing, and only adjusting the tuning knobs.

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