Re: Gear talk: TALK ME OUT OF IT

Rocky Rockbottom wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 7:42 pm
elisha wiesner wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:41 pm The bizarre thing is you can sell your used one on ebay for decent money. I sold a well used one for like $60 last year after I bought a new one. Was completely honest about how much it had been used etc.... ... Sw7FBhjTQl
Thanks. Wow. I dont get this at all. I'm only in the market for a new one cos I'm convinced the sound has gone a bit muffled on my old one. So someone else is willing to pay me $$ for a worn out cart?

Maybe they're cheaply retipping them or something? If that's even a thing. I dont know what I'm talking about.
Apparently getting cartridges rebuilt expensively is a thing. Not sure about cheaply. ... -retipping

Re: Gear talk: TALK ME OUT OF IT

biscuitdough wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 11:58 pm Apparently getting cartridges rebuilt expensively is a thing. Not sure about cheaply. ... -retipping
Rebuild Price*
Aluminum Alloy Cantilever; Nude Hyper- Elliptical Diamond $200
Sapphire with laser drilled mounted low Mass Contact line stylus $299
Ruby Cantilever / Nude Contact Line Diamond $350
Ruby Cantilever / Optimized Contour Nude Contact Line Diamond $399
Boron Cantilever with Nude Contact Line $450
Jesus, its such a load of old wank.................................. I'm guessing............................until you hear the things.

Then it's....


".....must have the Boron cantileeeeeeeeever"

Re: Gear talk: TALK ME OUT OF IT

Rocky Rockbottom wrote: Sun Dec 12, 2021 12:42 am Rebuild Price*
Aluminum Alloy Cantilever; Nude Hyper- Elliptical Diamond $200
Sapphire with laser drilled mounted low Mass Contact line stylus $299
Ruby Cantilever / Nude Contact Line Diamond $350
Ruby Cantilever / Optimized Contour Nude Contact Line Diamond $399
Boron Cantilever with Nude Contact Line $450

Jesus, its such a load of old wank.................................. I'm guessing............................until you hear the things.
This right here tells you all you need to know about audiophile fucks. Who would this sexualized marketing would appeal to?
A: Middle-aged white dudes w/ too much money and not enough sense.

"a load of old wank" is absolutely correct. So gross. Bring back FM Audiotruth!!!!!!!!!

Re: Gear talk: TALK ME OUT OF IT

penningtron wrote: Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:42 pm A Stratocaster body with an F hole doesn't have enough body mass or hollowed-out cavity (it's only a sliver in the upper bout) to make a damn difference sound wise, right? Please talk me out of this brain fart of an idea..
I wouldn't think so. This is probably only going to reduce a tiny bit of weight and add a bit of deco.

Re: Gear talk: TALK ME OUT OF IT

penningtron wrote: Wed Mar 23, 2022 1:16 pm
TylerDeadPine wrote: Wed Mar 23, 2022 1:13 pm thinlines aren't cool
A Thinline Tele was another thought but there I would be starting nearly from scratch. I have the semi-hollow itch (on the cheap) but don't know if either of these would scratch it.
Without an actual resonant cavity I just don't really see the value but someone with those kinds of guitars and better ears than I have should probably chime in instead.

I mean you could certainly build a body that has a resonant cavity above and possibly below the middle line...but yeah, seems like just a drilled out f-hole would not have a noticeable effect - this discussion reminds me how I'll never get the image of out my head how Swami reduced weight on his LPs and I wouldn't say it even that drastic drilling did a whole heck of a lot to change his guitar sound. Just sounds like greatness.

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