Wet Leg: worthy of the hype?

Total votes: 18 (62%)
Total votes: 11 (38%)
Total votes: 29

Band: Wet Leg

They don't have an album out yet and really blew up my FB feed in a way I haven't seen since Perfect Pussy was a thing & which is usually a turn-off for me. But their tiny-desk show made me a believer.

Fun. Not for people who don't like music that doesn't take itself super seriously. I dig it and their songs have been very stuck in my head for a while.

Edited title since they're not really "new" anymore
Last edited by Garth on Mon Nov 07, 2022 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: New Band: Wet Leg

I live in a cave and have never heard of this band, so I watched the video above.

I have no idea if this is completely off-base, but for whatever reason I was reminded of The Apples in Stereo. In small doses, I don't think I'd mind them at all. Might be fun live. But I don't foresee listening to them very often as I suspect I might get bored and/or annoyed after a while.

Won't vote but I would share FM Penningtron's suspicions of a band (apparently) being overly hyped before anything has been released.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: New Band: Wet Leg

I saw an IG video that my friend took at a show a few weeks ago. They were awesome. I ordered the record. I prefer them to Dry Cleaning as I have a hard time with the affected monotone vocals. Like, Dry Cleaning is fine but they also sound so derivative. I hear them and I'm like "oh, I've heard this before. It's from 1980". It's not bad, just not my thing. I like Wet Leg in a way that I don't like most new music; it sounds fun in a way that isn't rigidly manufactured. Like there's actually some joy and spontaneity in the music.
Radio show https://www.wmse.org/program/the-tom-wa ... xperience/
My band https://redstuff.bandcamp.com/
Solo project https://tomwanderer.bandcamp.com/

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