Re: Headline of the day
2I don’t mean to be dismissive of a redemption story, and I suppose that if something good comes of her behavior in the end, then ok, but fuck that woman.
Re: Headline of the day
3There's no redeeming value in someone who believed that Trump, "Christ's divine soldier," ascended to bring down the Democratic pizza paedo cabal.
We're headed for social anarchy when people start pissing on bookstores.
Re: Headline of the day
4kokorodoko wrote: Thu Apr 07, 2022 5:53 pm QAnon conspiracy theories left me in rehab and destroyed my marriage, says ‘Target Karen’ after shocking store meltdown
This article was linked on the same page as that one, and it took me a while to realize they were not about the same plastic-looking narcissist.
OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney, 25, ‘stabbed her boyfriend to death’ – before XXX-rated content posted on her page
The homicidal OnlyFans-er

The Qanon influencer:

All these phony people look the same. Only difference is that the one who dates black guys also murders them.
Re: Headline of the day
5ChudFusk wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:40 am All these phony people look the same. Only difference is that the one who dates black guys also murders them.
I do find it interesting how most conservative women in the public eye find it necessary to hyper-feminize themselves to that 'plastic' ideal. That special combination enough makeup to make a drag-queen wince, fake boobs, ultra-tan, long ultra-quaffed hair - usually colored or bleached, heels, nylons and traditional form-fitting dresses. They may make a claim of looking professional, but it's also a gross caricature of femininity and one they've probably never questioned in the least.
The only one who's slightly off if Marjory Taylor Greene and that's because she used to be a bodybuilder and probably juiced like crazy. Backne and a clit the size of one of Charles Barkley's thumbs most likely.
Re: Headline of the day
6Don't know if it came through, but further submissions are encouraged.
born to give
Re: Headline of the day
8Took a while, but:
Madonna: ‘A lot of thought’ went into fully nude NFTs of her giving birth to centipedes
Posted in “Alabama Life & Culture”.
Madonna: ‘A lot of thought’ went into fully nude NFTs of her giving birth to centipedes
Posted in “Alabama Life & Culture”.
Re: Headline of the day
9"Saudi man charged after Maserati driven down Rome's Spanish Steps"
When in Rome, I guess.
When in Rome, I guess.
Trey Wrote: "How great must a thread be to miss such a thing? Beans on the penis great, I suppose"