Re: Orchestra Hits in Great Songs

That would be its use in the song DI-1-9026 on Foetus album Nail. The first of his recordings that doesn't sound like a Karlheinz Stockhausen fever dream or John Cage on Benzedrine (we use to call them Bennie's in my day)
"There's a felling I get when I look to the west"
"When the meaningful words. When they cease to function. When there's nothing to say."

Re: Orchestra Hits in Great Songs

As a counter to the orchestra hits in pop songs, the most powerful orchestra hits in a modern large orchestra scored piece I can think of:

As an unpleasant character is he was in life, Stravinsky was a powerhouse of orchestration technique and timbre - especially in his early career.

As an aside, I always loved the tuning of the big orchestral bass drum at the CSO. That's some heavy subsonic stuff going on there - best listened to on a system that can reproduce that kind of infrasound excursion in the flutter of the drum head.

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