by Charlie D
I don't remember how I got here in oh four, oh five because I was a pickled drunk. I'm pretty sure it was to ask FM steve about recording school advice.
I left about eight years ago. Not in a pissy "I qUiT!" way, I just stopped posting.
There's a lot that happened in those eight years irrelevant to the PRF, a big part of it was getting my shit together, getting outside, getting in touch with nature, realizing I'd missed my calling... I don't think I've ever said this online but I've told my partner (three years in July!) that I think I should have applied myself and been a park ranger.
But I work in a government mail room now and I have an amazing partner who I'm proud of and brag about all the time.
I've lurked here for a couple years before signing back up and, eh, I'm still uneasy about posting again. I cringe a little remembering, you know... You know when you wake up the morning after a party you got real drunk at and you vaguely remember pissing everyone off? I feel like that a little.
So, hey, good to be back, good to see familiar names. I've actually hung out with some of you. I'm going to finish this episode of Sanford & Son and go to bed.
Goddamned Tigers lost to the fuckin' Astros tonight.