ChudFusk wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 1:38 am
A_Man_Who_Tries wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 11:48 pm
Mickey242 wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 9:05 pm
"yar, one of the deck hands has been inserting broken rum bottle necks into his rectum leading to the unwarranted circumcision of the first mate. Yar it gets lonely at sea. I woke the other night to one of the cabin boys performing fellatio on my wooden leg"
On the plus side, nobody's fucked the parrot.
On the open sea, Parrot fucks YOU.
In soviet Russia stereo listens to you.
Took on new deck hand named Quint last week at port while I was putting three of the deckhands “on the game” by making them tuck their penes between their legs and dress as bar maids to cover the vet fees for our parrot. First mate and I believe it to be a major mistake enlisting this new deck hand. Worse then when we captured an English Man O War just to discover it’s only booty was tons of tea. What the hell do they do with this stuff? You can’t smoke it, it doesn’t get you drunk. We showed it to the ships cook and concubine and she just swore at use in Portuguese. Well anyway this new deck hand has definitely been taking more than his ration or grog. He be more drunk than Sean Young at an Oscar party. Then we are all subjected to these long drawn out stories, much like this post, about sharks. Half of us think he’s a liar but the cabin boys are captivated by his analogy’s to sharks eyes being lifeless, being “like dolls eyes”. Sounds like my Ex wife.