Re: Recommendations on Criterion Channel

Lineup for June has been announced and they'll be adding Tsai Ming-Liang's The Hole, which is a masterpiece. A slow cinema musical set in a mostly abandoned apartment building during a pandemic. Hoping it'll be a remastered version and they'll release it at some point, because it's a beautiful movie but the only version that has been available is pretty bad quality. Very much worth watching either way.

Re: Recommendations on Criterion Channel

Not really a recommendation, but we watched Yentl earlier this week. The movie isn’t bad at all, but the music? Good lord, is it atrocious. (This is kind of a problem, seeing as it’s, you know, a musical.) It’s just one “soaring” mid-tempo ballad after another, with no sonic, thematic, or textural variety at all. The lyrics are just straightforward recitations of Yentl’s thoughts, except with rhymes.

Also, why would you cast Mandy Patankin in a musical in a role in which he doesn’t sing a single note?

Re: Recommendations on Criterion Channel

Looking forward to watching the newly transferred version of Chameleon Street once I can get some rest, and peace and quiet. Have heard a lot of good things about it.

On the Mike Leigh front: High Hopes is a swell, underrated film, also on the Channel. One of my favorites of his, in fact. Am still waiting for his BBC work to get the blu-ray treatment.
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