Re: Supreme Court Sending Us Back To The Dark Ages

Clyde wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:28 am I knew this was coming, but it still feels like complete shit.
and since I was really looking for this thread initially..
penningtron wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 9:56 am Fuck this stupid garbage country.

"Most people don't agree with this decision".. maybe not, but nearly half of the voting population had no problem getting us here. That Susan Collins isn't jumping off a bridge right now should give you an idea of the integrity of the typical American. I want out..
But the typical voter this fall will have one thing on their minds: gas prices. FFS
Last edited by penningtron on Fri Jun 24, 2022 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Supreme Court Sending Us Back To The Dark Ages

Joe Biden's response: vote
Nancy Pelosi's response: vote
All the random political texts I've been getting since this morning: vote

Fuck you, and fuck everything you stand for. Vote for what? Democrats can't do shit. They are bound by decorum, process, and the status quo. They have been playing 4-D chess with their dicks for decades. Meanwhile, the GOP is able to hold power even when in the minority. Congress has stopped acting in favor of the will of the people. The supreme court has been on a tear in the last year alone stripping away rights from individuals and workers especially. Congress cares more about your right to own and use guns than your personal health, and that includes living.

Let's say the democrats win in the midterms. Then what? They need 60 votes in the house to pass the abortion bill previously passed in the house. The bill is dead on arrival, even if Joe Manchin agrees with it.

Faith in our institutions is done. It was already cracking, but this ruling alone has really demolished it. The reasoning is bullshit, wrapped in hypocrisy and served through the obvous lies used in the confirmation hearings of supreme court justices. The end of Roe V Wade has little to do with a woman's right to choose. It has everything to do with a power grab by the religious right for minority rule through theocracy. Thomas' latest statement is already proof of that. The only question is where will it end? Our rights will be further eroded indefinitely.

The GOP wants this culture war. I am only speculating here, but I think taking away people's rights while also not dealing with a serious gun violence problem is an equation for disaster. And whatever that disaster is is going to be coming faster than you think.

A shred of hope I have is that things will get better eventually. Maybe not in my lifetime. But they will most certainly get worse before then.

Re: Supreme Court Sending Us Back To The Dark Ages

penningtron wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:17 am
cakes wrote: The end of Roe V Wade has little to do with a woman's right to choose. It has everything to do with a power grab by the religious right for minority rule through theocracy.
Yep. Very little to do with religious beliefs and more about deepening the cycle of poverty, creating low wage slaves now and into the future.
I hate to say it, but everyone focusing on women's health right now is missing the broader implications. What's next, same sex marriage? Contraception? Separation of church and state? The court is now ignoring precedent and making contradictory arguments to justify extremist interpretation of the constitution.

My question is, what will happen now that a majority of the people find the court illegitimate? It was a concern of the conservatives in the past, but that concern is no more.

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